Reentrantlock Event Inward Java, Divergence Betwixt Synchronized Vs Reentrantlock

ReentrantLock inward Java is added on java.util.concurrent packet inward Java 1.5 along amongst other concurrent utilities similar CountDownLatch, Executors as well as CyclicBarrier. ReentrantLock is i of the virtually useful improver inward Java concurrency packet as well as several of concurrent collection classes from java.util.concurrent packet is written using ReentrantLock, including ConcurrentHashMap, encounter How ConcurrentHashMap plant inward Java for to a greater extent than details. Two cardinal characteristic of ReentrantLock, which provides to a greater extent than command on lock acquisition is trying to acquire a lock amongst mightiness to interrupt, as well as a timeout on waiting for lock, these are cardinal for writing responsive as well as scalable systems inward Java. In short, ReentrantLock extends functionality of synchronized keyword inward Java and opened upwards path for to a greater extent than controlled locking inward Java. 

In this Java concurrency tutorial nosotros volition larn :
  • What is ReentrantLock inward Java ?
  • Difference betwixt ReentrantLock as well as synchronized keyword inward Java?
  • Benefits of using Reentrant lock inward Java?
  • Drawbacks of using Reentrant lock inward concurrent program?
  • Code Example of ReentrantLock inward Java?

What is ReentrantLock inward Java

On degree level,  ReentrantLock is a concrete implementation of Lock interface provided inward Java concurrency packet from Java 1.5 onwards.  As per Javadoc, ReentrantLock is usual exclusive lock, similar to implicit locking provided past times synchronized keyword inward Java, amongst extended characteristic similar fairness, which tin hold upwards used to furnish lock to longest waiting thread. Lock is acquired past times lock() method as well as held past times Thread until a telephone telephone to unlock() method. Fairness  parameter is provided land creating instance of ReentrantLock inward constructor. ReentrantLock provides same visibility as well as ordering guarantee, provided past times implicitly locking, which means, unlock() happens before unopen to other thread acquire lock().

Difference betwixt ReentrantLock as well as synchronized keyword inward Java

Though ReentrantLock provides same visibility as well as orderings guaranteed every bit implicit lock, acquired past times synchronized keyword inward Java, it provides to a greater extent than functionality as well as differ inward for certain aspect. As stated earlier,  main deviation betwixt synchronized as well as ReentrantLock is mightiness to trying for lock interruptibly, as well as amongst timeout. Thread doesn’t involve to block infinitely, which was the instance amongst synchronized. Let’s encounter few to a greater extent than differences betwixt synchronized as well as Lock inward Java.

1) Another meaning deviation betwixt ReentrantLock as well as synchronized keyword is fairness. synchronized keyword doesn't back upwards fairness. Any thread tin acquire lock in i trial released, no preference tin hold upwards specified, on the other paw you lot tin brand ReentrantLock fair past times specifying fairness property, land creating instance of ReentrantLock. Fairness belongings provides lock to longest waiting thread, inward instance of contention.

2) Second deviation betwixt synchronized as well as Reentrant lock is tryLock() method. ReentrantLock provides convenient tryLock() method, which acquires lock alone if its available or non held past times whatever other thread. This cut blocking of thread waiting for lock inward Java application.

3) One to a greater extent than worth noting deviation betwixt ReentrantLock as well as synchronized keyword inward Java is, ability to interrupt Thread land waiting for Lock. In instance of synchronized keyword, a thread tin hold upwards blocked waiting for lock, for an indefinite menstruum of fourth dimension as well as in that place was no way to command that. ReentrantLock provides a method called lockInterruptibly(), which tin hold upwards used to interrupt thread when it is waiting for lock. Similarly tryLock() with timeout tin hold upwards used to timeout if lock is non available inward for certain fourth dimension period.

4) ReentrantLock too provides convenient method to acquire List of all threads waiting for lock.

So, you lot tin see, lot of meaning differences betwixt synchronized keyword as well as ReentrantLock inward Java. In short, Lock interface adds lot of mightiness as well as flexibility as well as allows unopen to command over lock acquisition process, which tin hold upwards leveraged to write highly scalable systems inward Java.

Benefits of ReentrantLock inward Java

 along amongst other concurrent utilities similar  ReentrantLock Example inward Java, Difference betwixt synchronized vs ReentrantLock
Most of the benefits derives from the differences covered betwixt synchronized vs ReentrantLock inward in conclusion section. Here is summary of benefits offered past times ReentrantLock over synchronized inward Java:

1) Ability to lock interruptibly.
2) Ability to timeout land waiting for lock.
3) Power to create fair lock.
4) API to acquire listing of waiting thread for lock.
5) Flexibility to endeavour for lock without blocking.

Disadvantages of ReentrantLock inward Java

Major drawback of using ReentrantLock inward Java is wrapping method trunk inside try-finally block, which makes code unreadable as well as hides line organization logic. It’s actually cluttered as well as I abhor it most, though IDE similar Eclipse and Netbeans tin add together those endeavour select handgrip of block for you. Another disadvantage is that, directly programmer is responsible for acquiring as well as releasing lock, which is a mightiness simply too opens gate for novel subtle bugs, when programmer forget to unloose the lock inward finally block.

Lock as well as ReentrantLock Example inward Java

Here is a consummate code instance of How to utilisation Lock interface as well as ReentrantLock inward Java. This plan locks a method called getCount(), which provides unique count to each caller. Here nosotros volition encounter both synchronized as well as ReentrantLock version of same program. You tin encounter code amongst synchronized is to a greater extent than readable simply it’s non every bit flexible every bit locking machinery provided past times Lock interface.

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * Java plan to show, how to utilisation ReentrantLock inward Java.
 * Reentrant lock is an option way of locking
 * apart from implicit locking provided past times synchronized keyword inward Java.
 * @author  Javin Paul
public class ReentrantLockHowto {

    private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
    private int count = 0;

     //Locking using Lock as well as ReentrantLock
     public int getCount() {
        try {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " gets Count: " + count);
            return count++;
        } finally {

     //Implicit locking using synchronized keyword
     public synchronized int getCountTwo() {
            return count++;


    public static void main(String args[]) {
        final ThreadTest counter = new ThreadTest();
        Thread t1 = new Thread() {

            public void run() {
                while (counter.getCount() < 6) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                        ex.printStackTrace();                    }
        Thread t2 = new Thread() {

            public void run() {
                while (counter.getCount() < 6) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

Thread-0 gets Count: 0
Thread-1 gets Count: 1
Thread-1 gets Count: 2
Thread-0 gets Count: 3
Thread-1 gets Count: 4
Thread-0 gets Count: 5
Thread-0 gets Count: 6
Thread-1 gets Count: 7

That’s all on What is ReentrantLock inward Java, How to utilisation amongst uncomplicated example, as well as deviation betwixt ReentrantLock as well as synchronized keyword inward Java. We accept too seen meaning enhancement provided past times Lock interface over synchronized e.g. trying for lock, timeout land waiting for lock as well as mightiness to interrupt thread land waiting for lock. Just hold upwards careful to unloose lock inward finally block.

Further Learning
Multithreading as well as Parallel Computing inward Java
Java Concurrency inward Practice - The Book
How to write code to avoid deadlock inward Java


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