Java.Lang.Unsatisfiedlinkerror: No Dll Inwards Java.Library.Path - Drive Together With Solution

"Exception inwards thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path" is i of the frustrating error y'all volition acquire if your application is using native libraries e.g. .DLL inwards Windows or .SO files inwards Linux. Java loads native libraries at runtime from either PATH environs variable or place specified yesteryear java.library.path organisation property depending upon whether your Java programme is using System.load() or java.lang.System.loadLibarray() method to charge native libraries. If Java doesn't abide by them due to whatever argue it throws "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path". Some of the almost mutual UnsatisfiedLinkError is "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc10.dll inwards java.library.path" and "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc11.dll inwards java.library.path", which comes when y'all endeavour to connect to Oracle 10g or 11g database from Java programme using OCI JDBC driver.

If y'all write games inwards Java programme using lwjgl too thence y'all mightiness convey seen this fault equally good "java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no lwjgl inwards java.library.path", which comes when Java doesn't abide by a native element of the lwjgl.jar library. It too mutual on Java application which uses JNI to link around essence legacy libraries inwards C too C++.   

I origin encounterd this fault piece writing  some Tibco Rendezvous Messaging code which uses around windows specific dll, which is installed equally purpose of TIBCO RV installation. I was getting "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native library non found" which was caused yesteryear "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no tibrvnative inwards java.library.path"

I wasted a lot of hours playing alongside PATH, java.library.path too others solely to larn from experience. Here y'all volition larn the root drive of "Exception inwards thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path" too larn how to laid upward this Exception inwards Java.

Cause of java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path:

error y'all volition acquire if your application is using native libraries e java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path - Cause too SolutionOracle JDBC driver is using System.load() or System.loadLibrary() method. You tin too position this yesteryear looking at the fault message, if y'all reckon java.library.path inwards fault message agency it certainly using System.loadLibrary(). This message too tells that programme has provided that organisation belongings too the programme is non looking for PATH for native libraries. Anyway if y'all are repeatedly getting this Error too thence y'all tin endeavour next steps which may aid y'all to resolve java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError in your Java application.

Solution of  "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path"

As fault clearly says that Java is non able to abide by around native library required, it could hateful either library is non exists or Java is non able to locate them due to wrong PATH or java.library.path. Remember, when y'all don't render this organisation property, yesteryear default Java looks at PATH for native libraries inwards Windows operating organisation too on LD_LIBRARY_PATH inwards Linux. Though it's adept exercise to render this PATH too utilisation System.loadLibrary() method to convey a consistent place for native libraries on all platforms. 

Here are a twain of things y'all tin create to solve fault "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path" :

1) Check your PATH for Java , whether it contains required dll or not.

2) Verify your java.library.path inwards illustration y'all convey laid it for required dll.

3) Run your coffee application alongside dominance : java -Djava.library.path= "your dll path"

4) Try specifying a base of operations refer for the library too loading library using System.loadLibaray("name) where the refer is without dll.

5) Linux loads dynamically linked library(.so) from LD_LIBRARY_PATH thence y'all may desire to convey your shared library directory included inwards LD_LIBRARY_PATH e.g.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/shared library (.so)

6) charge library yesteryear providing absolute path similar "C:/WINNT/system32/digest.dll" yesteryear using System.load("Path of native library") method. 

The original betoken is JVM should abide by your dll too providing an explicitly path alongside -Djava.library.path e'er aid me.
error y'all volition acquire if your application is using native libraries e java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path - Cause too Solution

Still getting java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError

If y'all are nonetheless getting Exception inwards thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path, fifty-fifty afterward adding JAR into classpath too adding the native library into PATH environs variable too providing organisation belongings java.library.path pointing to the place of native library place too thence at that spot is must endure around directory inwards your PATH which is non resolved correctly.

I was frustrated afterward trying every method to solve this error, when I noticed the next error, merely earlier this fault comes :

"The organisation cannot abide by the path specified" when I printed PATH variable.

since I was doing laid PATH= %PATH%; (location of the native library)

The organisation was non able to navigate to that directory because of those non-existent paths. In gild to solve that I merely did opposite, added place of native library inwards forepart of PATH too it worked similar a charm

laid PATH = {location of native dll}; %PATH%

So pay attending to your PATH variable. It oftentimes happens PATH keeps directories of a uninstalled programme which abruptly breaks too System stops searches further. This upshot tin too come upward inwards Linux too y'all tin solve it merely similar this, add together your native library equally the origin entry inwards PATH environs variable.

Now a flake of theory, if y'all utilisation System.loadLibrary() too thence it searches native library inwards the place specified yesteryear java.library.path but if y'all don't render that organisation library too thence it defaults to PATH environs variable.

Things to Remember 

Some other points worth noting piece working alongside System theme libraries:
1) They brand Java code platform dependent.

2) System.loadLibrary() is equivalent to Runtime.getRuntime.loadLibary().

3) charge System.loadLibary(library) inwards static initializer block thence that it solely gets loaded when containing cast gets loaded and avoid reloading of it, though it could too Pb to ExceptionInitializerEror too NoClassDefFoundError if native libraries are non found. 

4) Another worth noting betoken is paying attending to exact fault message java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError throws. if it shows  "Exception inwards thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path"  agency JVM is non able to locate too charge library. if it shows thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com......' i.e. prints cast or method refer too thence mayhap something is wrong alongside the library itself similar one-half copied dll.

Sometimes y'all may too get
Exception inwards thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Expecting an absolute path of the library: digest.dll
        at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
        at java.lang.System.load(
to solve this merely render absolute path for library too y'all volition endure fine.

That’s all on how to laid upward  Exception inwards thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dll inwards java.library.path" , portion your sense if y'all convey faced this java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError before.

Further Learning
Complete Java Masterclass
  • How to debug Java programme inwards Eclipse – Java Debugging tips (Tips)
  • How to remote debug Java application inwards Eclipse (Steps)
  • Difference betwixt ClassNotFoundException vs NoClassDefFoundError inwards Java (difference)
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