Jquery Tutorial - How To Alter Multiple Html Elements Inward I Line

jQuery allows you lot to modify multiples elements inward i go, you lot tin toilet modify attributes, text, or color of multiple HTML elements yesteryear executing simply i describe of piece of job of jQuery code. In this jQuery tutorial, I volition exhibit you lot how to modify multiple <li> elements inward i go. In our example, nosotros receive got a duo of <li> tag to display sub-headings, at in i lawsuit nosotros volition modify them inward i acquire using jQuery. If you lot expect at our HTML, nosotros receive got an ordered listing <ol> to display overstep 10 programming languages, each of them is a <li> item. We every bit good receive got i button, "Click Me", which volition when clicked, changes all <li> item's text to "jQuery is the novel Boss". Here is the jQuery code, which does that.

<script>             $(document).ready(function(){                               $('#btn').click( function(){                                       $('li').text("jQuery is novel Boss");                     //this grabs all <li> elements together with changes at that topographic point text                });                                           });         </script>  

As usual, the code is written within the document.ready() function. In the starting fourth dimension line, nosotros receive got attached an upshot handler alongside button, selected using id selector. When a push alongside id "btn" volition click, jQuery volition uncovering all <li> tags yesteryear using tag jQuery tag selector $('li') and together with therefore changes their text.

jQuery Example to Modify Multiple DOM elements inward i click

Here is consummate HTML + jQuery code for your practice, you lot tin toilet either write it downwardly to an HTML file or simply re-create glue to speedily run on a browser

<html>     <head>         <title> Modify Multiple chemical ingredient inward i describe of piece of job - jQuery Tutorials together with Tips for Beginners</title>         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">                 <!-- loading jQuery from Google's CDN -->         <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js" ></script>                 <script>             $(document).ready(function(){                               $('#btn').click( function(){                                       $('li').text("jQuery is novel Boss");                });                                           });         </script>     </head>     <body>         <div id="top-laguanges">              <h1>Top 10 Programming languages</h1>             <ol id="languages">                 <li>Java</li>                 <li>C</li>                 <li>C++</li>                 <li>JavaScript</li>                 <li>Ruby</li>                 <li>Python</li>                 <li>PHP</li>                 <li>Haskel</li>                 <li>Scala</li>                 <li>C#</li>             </ol>                         <button id="btn">Click Me</button>         </div>              </body> </html> 

How to run together with examine this jQuery program?

You tin toilet simply re-create together with glue this HTML code into a text file together with relieve it every bit HTML e.g. jquerydemo.html. After that, simply opened upwards that file inward a browser e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, or Microsoft's Edge browser. If you lot are a Java Developer you lot tin toilet every bit good utilisation Eclipse IDE's built-in spider web browser.

When you lot opened upwards the HTML file inward a spider web browser it volition expect similar below:

 jQuery allows you lot to modify multiples elements inward i acquire jQuery Tutorial - How to modify multiple HTML elements inward i line

You tin toilet come across that nosotros receive got a listing of 10 elements together with at in i lawsuit when you lot click the button, jQuery code volition run because it is bonded alongside click upshot fired when you lot click the button. The jQuery volition together with therefore utilisation the tag selector $("li") to select guide maintain of all listing elements together with changes its text every bit "jQuery is the novel boss" yesteryear calling the text() method.

This way, you lot tin toilet modify the multiple HTML elements inward i acquire using jQuery. All that ability comes from the CSS-like selector, the tag selector here. The spider web page volition expect similar next afterward this change:

 jQuery allows you lot to modify multiples elements inward i acquire jQuery Tutorial - How to modify multiple HTML elements inward i line

That's all on this component of jQuery beginners tutorials together with tips. As usual, a chore entirely required a duo of describe of piece of job of jQuery code, rather than 10 lines of raw JavaScript code.  We receive got seen how to modify multiple elements inward i go, you lot tin toilet select multiple elements using jQuery tag selector, which takes a tag together with select all elements. You tin toilet read jQuery inward Action to acquire to a greater extent than most unlike types of selectors available inward jQuery.

Further Reading
  • How to acquire electrical current URL, Parameters, together with Hash using jQuery? (solution)
  • jQuery Hello World Example (program)
  • How to utilisation to a greater extent than than i jQuery UI DatePicker inward JSP page? (example)
  • How to do tab-based UI using jQuery? (example)
  • How to redirect a page URL using jQuery together with JavaScript? (solution)
  • How to write HelloWorld inward jQuery? (solution)
  • 20 jQuery Interview Questions for Java Web Developers (list)
  • How to charge jQuery inward a spider web page? (solution)

  • Reference

    Thanks for reading this article therefore far. If you lot similar this jQuery tutorial together with therefore delight part alongside your friends together with colleagues. If you lot receive got whatever enquiry or feedback together with therefore delight driblet a comment.

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