10 Articles Every Programmer Must Read

Being a Java programmer as well as Software developer, I direct keep learned a lot from articles titled equally What Every Programmer Should Know almost ..... , they tend to give a lot of useful as well as in-depth information almost a exceptional topic, which otherwise is rattling difficult to discover. In my call for of learning, I direct keep come upwardly across some rattling useful articles, which I direct keep bookmarked for reference as well as multiple reading. I personally intend that all programmer tin do goodness past times reading these articles, which makes me write this postal service as well as portion all of these "What Every Programmer Should Know" articles alongside you lot guys. These are from my personal bookmarks. In this article, you lot volition encounter classic what every programmer should know article from topics similar memory, Unicode, floating signal arithmetic, networking, object oriented design, time, URL Encoding, String and many more.

This listing is rattling of import for beginner as well as newcomers, equally they are the ones, who lack practical knowledge. Since most of these postal service are genuinely driven past times practical knowledge, beginner as well as intermediate programmers tin direct keep a lot from it. Also gaining noesis of fundamentals early on inward career helps to avoid mistakes, which has done past times other programmers as well as software developers on their course of written report of learning.

Though it’s non tardily to grasp all noesis given inward these articles inward but 1 reading. You in all likelihood won't sympathize some details almost floating signal number or acquire confused alongside subtle details of memory, but it’s of import to proceed these listing handy as well as refer them fourth dimension to fourth dimension alongside a context. So Good luck as well as Enjoy reading these wonderful articles.   By the way, don't forget to portion whatever What Every Programmer Should know article if it’s non already on this list.

What Every Programmer Should Know almost Memory
This is 1 of the classic article, which volition direct keep you lot through may lanes of memory, some old, some new, some known as well as some unknown. Despite existence thus conman as well as omnipresent, non every programmer direct keep plenty noesis of Memory. Knowledge of retention inward modern organization becomes fifty-fifty to a greater extent than of import if you lot are inward infinite of writing high-performance application. Hardware designers direct keep come upwardly up alongside always to a greater extent than sophisticated retention treatment as well as acceleration techniques–such equally CPU caches–but these cannot piece of work optimally without some aid from the programmer.  I am yet reading this article, as well as I can't say you lot how much I direct keep learned from this almost RAM, CPU Caches e.g. L1 as well as L2 cache, dissimilar types of memory, straight retention access, retention controller designs as well as Memory inward general. In short, a must read for programmers of all degree of experience.

What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Floating signal arithmetics is a tricky topic, as well as it’s non tardily to master. Even many Java programmer doesn't know what tin live out incorrect when comparison float/double value alongside == operator. Many of us oft makes error of doing monetary calculation inward float and double. This article is some other jewel of this serial as well as must read for all software developers as well as programmers. As your sense grows, you lot are expected to know subtle details of mutual things, as well as floating signal arithmetics is 1 of them. As equally senior Java developer, you lot must know how do perform monetary calculation, when to usage float, double or BigDecimal classes, how to circular floating signal numbers etc. Even if you lot know fundamentals of floating signal arithmetic, You volition acquire something novel almost floating signal calculation past times reading this article.

What Every Developer Should know almost Unicode
Character encoding is some other area, where many programmer struggles, as well as "The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode as well as Character Sets (No Excuses!)" aims to fill upwardly that gap. On a side note, Yes that's the amount championship of that article. It was written past times Joel Spolsky, 1 of the founder of statckoverflow.com. Joel has written this postal service on his spider web log almost 10 years back, but it is yet relevant inward today’s world. This article volition learn you lot almost What is Unicode, What is grapheme encoding, how characters are represented using bytes as well as much more. One of the best things almost this article is linguistic communication as well as flow, fifty-fifty if you lot don't know anything almost Unicode, you lot tin easily follow. In short, 1 to a greater extent than must read for all programmers, coders as well as software engineers.

What Every Programmer Should know almost Time
Apart from Character encoding, fourth dimension as well as appointment is some other area, where many programmers struggle, including me. Even senior developers lost betwixt GMT, UTC, 24-hour interval low-cal saving as well as betwixt restrict seconds. Frankly speaking, It's non tardily to bargain alongside fourth dimension zones without making whatever mistake, thus add together 24-hour interval low-cal savings as well as lawsuit of that. Problems live out worse if you lot using trial as well as error method because you lot volition never able to solve your work past times doing that. There are thus many things which tin live out incorrect as well as at that spot is an equal number of misconceptions. Things like, whether appointment contains time-zone or non tin confuse you lot similar hell, converting UNIX fourth dimension to some other time-zone tin freak you lot out, forget almost clock synchronization as well as delays. I promise many of your misconception almost fourth dimension volition live out away as well as you lot volition build audio primal almost Time, past times reading this classic article.

What every spider web developer must know almost URL encoding
This article describes mutual misconceptions almost Uniform Resource Locator (URL) encoding, thus attempts to clarify URL encoding for HTTP, earlier presenting frequent problems as well as their solutions. While this article is non specific to whatever programming language, it illustrates the problems inward Java) as well as goal past times explaining how to fix URL encoding problems inward Java, as well as inward a spider web application at several levels. You volition acquire basics of URL grammar, full general URL syntax inward HTTP as well as other protocol. This article also explores mutual pitfalls of URLs e.g. grapheme encoding, reserved grapheme at the dissimilar live of URL, as well as URL encoding/decoding issues. If you lot are a Java programmer, thus you lot volition also acquire almost how to grip URLs inward Java application, the right way. How to create URL as well as using Apache park HTTP customer library. Finally, it also suggests best practices or dealing alongside URLs e.g. you lot should encode URLs when you lot build them, making certain your URL-rewrite filters bargain alongside your URL correctly as well as much more. In short, a must read article for whatever spider web developer as well as programmer.

What should every programmer know almost spider web development?
 Being a Java programmer as well as Software developer 10 Articles Every Programmer Must ReadThis is an interesting article from programmers stack exchange, almost what should every programmer implementing the technical details of a spider web application consider earlier making the site public. This includes things ranging from Interface design as well as User Experience, Security, Web standards, Performance, Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Technology involved, as well as almost several of import resources. Since today's footing is hugely subject upon mesh as well as programmer having their personal site, a spider web log is quite common. Experience learned on this article volition non fifty-fifty aid inward your professional person piece of work but also inward your personal work. You volition acquire almost all key technology scientific discipline e.g. HTTP," rel="nofollow">What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behaviour #1/3
C programming linguistic communication direct keep the concept of "undefined behaviour". Undefined conduct is a wide subject alongside a lot of nuances as well as that's 1 argue of Why I similar Java, less number of undefined behaviour, less confusion, to a greater extent than stability as well as to a greater extent than peace. Many seemingly reasonable things inward C genuinely direct keep undefined behaviour, as well as this is a mutual root of bugs inward programs. Beyond that, whatever undefined conduct inward C gives license to the implementation (the compiler as well as runtime) to create code that formats your difficult drive, does completely unexpected things, or worse. Read this fantabulous article to deep dive on ocean of undefined behaviour

What Every Programmer Need to know almost networking
From the article itself "You’re a programmer. Have you lot always wondered how multi-player games work? From the exterior it seems magical: ii or to a greater extent than players sharing a consistent sense across the network similar they genuinely be together inward the same virtual world. But equally programmers nosotros know the truth of what is genuinely going on underneath is quite dissimilar from what you lot see. It turns out that it’s all an illusion." This is rattling interesting article almost networking, written for game programmers but I intend every programmer as well as developer tin do goodness from this.

What every spider web developer must know almost URL encoding
This article describes mutual misconceptions almost Uniform Resource Locator (URL) encoding, thus attempts to clarify URL encoding for HTTP, earlier presenting frequent problems as well as their solutions. While this article is non specific to whatever programming language, it illustrates the problems inward Java) as well as goal past times explaining how to fix URL encoding problems inward Java, as well as inward a spider web application at several levels. You volition acquire basics of URL grammar, full general URL syntax inward HTTP as well as other protocol. This article also explores mutual pitfalls of URLs e.g. grapheme encoding, reserved grapheme at the dissimilar live of URL, as well as URL encoding/decoding issues. If you lot are a Java programmer, thus you lot volition also acquire almost how to grip URLs inward Java application, the right way. How to create URL as well as using Apache park HTTP customer library. Finally, it also suggests best practices or dealing alongside URLs e.g. you lot should encode URLs when you lot build them, making certain your URL-rewrite filters bargain alongside your URL correctly as well as much more. In short, a must read article for whatever spider web developer as well as programmer.

What should every programmer know almost spider web development?
 Being a Java programmer as well as Software developer 10 Articles Every Programmer Must ReadThis is an interesting article from programmers stack exchange, almost what should every programmer implementing the technical details of a spider web application consider earlier making the site public. This includes things ranging from Interface design as well as User Experience, Security, Web standards, Performance, Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Technology involved, as well as almost several of import resources. Since today's footing is hugely subject upon mesh as well as programmer having their personal site, a spider web log is quite common. Experience learned on this article volition non fifty-fifty aid inward your professional person piece of work but also inward your personal work. You volition acquire almost all key technology scientific discipline e.g. HTTP,">What Every Java Developer Should Know almost String

This is my article on java.lang.String as well as what I personally affair every Java programmer should know almost it. String is rattling of import inward 24-hour interval to 24-hour interval programming inward Java as well as that's why expert noesis is must for whatever Java developer. This article touches many of import areas of String including string pool, string literal, comparison String using == vs equals(), converting bytes to String, Why String is immutable, properly concatenating Strings as well as many more. Advanced programmer may already know all these stuffs but fifty-fifty thus it’s expert to revise them.

What should every programmer know almost security?
This enquiry was inquire past times 1 figurer programming pupil inward StackOverFlow. Just similar nosotros acquire a lot almost full general programming concepts e.g. operating system, algorithm, data-structure, figurer architecture, as well as other stuff, its also of import to know almost security. Though Security is vast subject ranging from encryption/decryption, SSL, spider web security, obfuscation, authentication, control etc, a basic minimum noesis is must for every programmer. I personally didn't know much almost Security when I started my career, its when I kickoff writing Servlet/JSP based Java spider web application, I come upwardly to know almost spider web safety as well as several safety threats similar SQL Injection, Denial of Service, XML Injection, Cross site scripting as well as others. As Java developer, forthwith I follow secure Java coding practices provided past times fortify, PMP as well as other static code analysis providers.  This article is rattling expert collection of topics as well as links almost Security as well as whether you lot are doing coding or not, you lot volition sure do goodness from this resource.

Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know
This is the bonus article, but must read for every Programmer. In social club to write high functioning application inward whatever programming linguistic communication e.g. Java or C++, you lot ought to know primal latency numbers e.g. how much fourth dimension it direct keep to read a variable from memory, from L1 Cache, from L2 cache, from random read inward SSD as well as from disk. How much fourth dimension it direct keep to lock unlock on mutex, to shipping a information parcel from 1 metropolis to some other or doing a roundtrip on same information centre. These latency numbers are independent of whatever programming linguistic communication as well as live of marrow knowledge, a developer must direct keep to write high frequency depression latency applications. Good affair almost this link is that it also provides you lot comparative analysis of how these latency numbers direct keep evolved over the years. You tin encounter what these latency numbers were inward 2006 as well as what they are now.

That's all inward this list of article every Programmer must read. By reading articles titles equally What Every Programmer or Developer Should know, you lot gain in-depth noesis of a exceptional topic. Frankly speaking at that spot are also many things to acquire for programmers, learning a programming linguistic communication similar Java is but a tip of iceberg, but isn't it many of us direct keep passion for learning. Programming is a challenging job, as well as exclusively things which aid you lot all along your career is primal noesis e.g. things almost Memory, Unicode, floating signal numbers, time, security is rattling of import for whatever programmer. Few things are programming linguistic communication specific e.g. my postal service almost Java String as well as What every C programmer should know almost undefined behaviour, but they are yet expert to acquire for many beginner as well as developers.

Further Learning
Design Pattern Library
Soft Skills: The eleven Essential Career Soft Skills
Data Structures as well as Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java
Algorithms as well as Data Structures - Part 1 as well as 2

Sumber https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/

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