9 Divergence Betwixt Tcp Together With Udp Protocol - Coffee Network Interview Question

TCP too UDP are ii carry layer protocols, which are extensively used on the cyberspace for transmitting information from 1 host to another. Good cognition of how TCP too UDP works is essential for whatever programmer. That's why the difference betwixt TCP too UDP is 1 of the most pop programming interview questions. I direct hold seen this inquiry many times on diverse Java interviews, particularly for server-side Java developer positions. Since FIX (Financial Information Exchange) protocol is too a TCP based protocol, several investment banks, hedge funds, too telephone substitution solution provider looks for Java developer alongside expert cognition of TCP too UDP. Writing ready engines too server side components for high-speed electronic trading platforms needs capable developers alongside a enterprise agreement of fundamentals including information structure, algorithms, too networking.

By the way, role of TCP too UDP is non express to 1 area, it's at the take in of the internet. The protocol which is the meat of internet, HTTP is based on TCP. One to a greater extent than reason, why Java developer should empathize these ii protocols inwards item is that Java is extensively used to write multi-threaded, concurrent too scalable servers.

Java too provides rich Socket programming API for both TCP too UDP based communication. In this article, nosotros volition larn key differences betwixt TCP too UDP protocol, which is useful to every Java programmers.

To starting fourth dimension with, TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol too UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol, too both are used extensively to create Internet applications.

Difference betwixt TCP vs UDP Protocol

I dearest to compare ii things at unlike points, this non alone makes them piece of cake to compare but too makes it piece of cake to holler upwards differences. When nosotros compare TCP to UDP, nosotros larn the departure inwards how both TCP too UDP works, nosotros larn which provides reliable too guaranteed delivery too which doesn't. Which protocol is fast too why, too most importantly when to select TCP over UDP spell edifice your ain distributed application.

In this article, nosotros volition come across the difference betwixt UDP too TCP inwards ix points, e.g. connexion set-up, reliability, ordering, speed, overhead, header size, congestion control, application, unlike protocols based on TCP too UDP too how they transfer data.

By learning these differences, you lot non alone able to answer this interview inquiry amend but too empathize merely about of import details nearly ii of the most of import protocols of the internet.

1) Connection-oriented vs Connectionless
First too initiative of all departure betwixt them is TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, too UDP is connectionless protocol. This way a connexion is established betwixt customer too server earlier they tin mail data. Connection institution procedure is too known equally TCP handshaking where command messages are interchanged betwixt customer too server. Attached icon depict the procedure of TCP handshake, for example, which command messages are exchanged betwixt customer too server.

The client, which is the initiator of TCP connection, sends SYN message to the server, which is listening on a TCP port. The server receives too sends an SYN-ACK message, which is received yesteryear customer in 1 lawsuit again too responded using ACK. Once the server receives this ACK message,  TCP connexion is established too ready for information transmission.

On the other hand, UDP is a connectionless protocol, too indicate to indicate connexion is non established earlier sending messages. That's the reason, UDP is to a greater extent than suitable for multicast distribution of the message, 1 to many distributions of information inwards unmarried transmission.

 TCP too UDP are ii carry layer protocols ix Difference betwixt TCP too UDP Protocol - Java Network Interview Question

2) Reliability
TCP provides the delivery guarantee, which way a message sent using TCP protocol is guaranteed to move delivered to the client. If a message is lost inwards transits too hence its recovered using resending, which is handled yesteryear TCP protocol itself. On the other hand, UDP is unreliable, it doesn't render whatever delivery guarantee. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 datagram bundle may move lost inwards transits. That's why UDP is non suitable for programs which require guaranteed delivery.

3) Ordering
Apart from the delivery guarantee, TCP too guarantees the company of message. The message volition move delivered to the customer inwards the same order, the server has sent, though it's possible they may accomplish out of company to the other halt of the network. TCP protocol volition do all sequencing too ordering for you. UDP doesn't render whatever ordering or sequencing guarantee.

Datagram packets may acquire inwards in whatever order. That's why TCP is suitable for application which needs delivery inwards a sequenced manner, though at that topographic point is UDP based protocol equally good which provides ordering too reliability yesteryear using sequence number too redelivery e.g. TIBCO Rendezvous, which is genuinely a UDP based application.

4) Data Boundary
TCP does non save information boundary, UDP does. In Transmission command protocol, information is sent equally a byte stream, too no distinguishing indications are transmitted to signal message (segment) boundaries. On UDP, Packets are sent individually too are checked for integrity alone if they arrived. Packets direct hold definite boundaries which are honored upon receipt, important a read functioning at the receiver socket volition yield an entire message equally it was originally sent. Though TCP volition too deliver the consummate message subsequently assembling all bytes. Messages are stored on TCP buffers earlier sending to brand optimum role of network bandwidth.

5) Speed
In 1 word, TCP is dull too UDP is fast. Since TCP does has to create a connection, ensure guaranteed too ordered delivery, it does a lot to a greater extent than than UDP. This terms TCP inwards terms of speed, that's why UDP is to a greater extent than suitable where speed is a concern, for example, online video streaming, telecast or online multiplayer games. If you lot desire to larn to a greater extent than nearly why UDP is faster than TCP too hence consider reading The TCP/IP Guide,  A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference 1st Edition
yesteryear Charles M. Kozierok, 1 of the must-read books to larn TCP/IP protocol.

 TCP too UDP are ii carry layer protocols ix Difference betwixt TCP too UDP Protocol - Java Network Interview Question

6) Heavyweight vs Lightweight
Because of the overhead mentioned above, Transmission command protocol is considered equally heavyweight equally compared to lightweight UDP protocol. Simple mantra of UDP to deliver a message without bearing whatever overhead of creating connexion too guaranteeing delivery or company guarantee keeps it low-cal weight. This is too reflected inwards their header sizes, which is used to carry metadata.

7) Header size
TCP has bigger header than UDP. Usual header size of a TCP packet is twenty bytes which are to a greater extent than than double of 8 bytes, header size of UDP datagram packet. TCP header contains Sequence Number, Ack number, Data offset, Reserved, Control bit, Window, Urgent Pointer, Options, Padding, Check Sum, Source port, too Destination port. While UDP header alone contains Length, Source port, Destination port, too Check Sum. Here is how TCP too UDP header looks like:

TCP Header Format

UDP Header Format 

8) Congestion or Flow control
TCP does Flow Control. TCP requires iii packets to gear upwards a socket connexion earlier whatever user information tin move sent. TCP handles reliability too congestion control. On the other hand, UDP does non direct hold an selection for menstruum control. See TCP/IP Illustrated - The Protocol Volume 1  By W. Richard Stevens to larn to a greater extent than nearly how TCP does menstruum control

 TCP too UDP are ii carry layer protocols ix Difference betwixt TCP too UDP Protocol - Java Network Interview Question

9) Usage too application
Where do TCP too UDP are used on the internet? After knowing key differences betwixt TCP too UDP, nosotros tin easily conclude, which province of affairs suits them. Since TCP provides delivery too sequencing guaranty, it is best suited for applications that require high reliability, too transmission fourth dimension is relatively less critical.

While UDP is to a greater extent than suitable for applications that require fast, efficient transmission, such equally games. UDP's stateless nature is too useful for servers that answer pocket-size queries from huge numbers of clients. In practice, TCP is used inwards finance domain e.g. FIX protocol is a TCP based protocol, UDP is used heavily inwards gaming too amusement sites.

10) TCP too UDP based Protocols
One of the best examples of TCP based higher halt protocol is HTTP too HTTPS, which is everywhere on the internet. In fact, most of the mutual protocol you lot are familiar of e.g. Telnet, FTP too SMTP all are based on Transmission Control Protocol. UDP don't direct hold anything equally pop equally HTTP but UDP is used inwards a protocol similar DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and DNS (Domain Name System). Some of the other protocol, which is based on User Datagram protocol is Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), TFTP, BOOTP and NFS (early versions).

Btw, spell working inwards TCP/UDP based application on Linux, it's too expert to remember basic networking commands e.g. telnet and netstat, they assistance tremendously to debug or troubleshoot whatever connexion issue.

That's all nearly the difference betwixt TCP too UDP protocol. Always holler upwards to get upwards that TCP is connexion oriented, reliable, slow, provides guaranteed delivery too preserves the company of messages, spell UDP is connectionless, unreliable, no ordering guarantee, but a fast protocol. TCP overhead is too much higher than UDP, equally it transmits to a greater extent than metadata per packet than UDP.

It's worth mentioning that header size of Transmission command protocol is twenty bytes, compared to 8 bytes header of User Datagram protocol. Use TCP, if you lot can't afford to lose whatever message, spell UDP is amend for high-speed information transmission, where loss of a unmarried packet is acceptable e.g. video streaming or online multiplayer games.

Further Reading
The Complete Java MasterClass
Java Network Programming, (4th Addition) yesteryear Harold, Elliotte Rusty
TCP/IP too Networking Fundamentals for information technology Pros

Sumber https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/

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