How To Contrary Array Inwards House Inwards Java? Solution Alongside Explanation

Reversing an array sounds pretty easy, isn't it? It does sounds similar that, because all you lot demand to do is create an array of same size, iterate through master copy array from halt to start as well as populate your novel array. Boom!!, you lot guide maintain got an array which has elements inward contrary club of master copy array, but work is you lot guide maintain used as well as additional array here, which makes infinite complexity of your solution O(n). You cannot role this solution if array is large e.g. an array of 10 ane 1000 m orders as well as you lot don't guide maintain enough heap space available. Can nosotros become far better? Can nosotros contrary array inward Java without using an additional buffer? Even If you lot run across this enquiry inward your programming labor interview, you lot volition live on for sure asked to reverse array inward place, without using an additional buffer as before solution takes lot of space. So instantly your labor is to write a Java computer program to contrary an array inward place. For the sake of this problem, you lot tin assume that its an integer array (during interview, you lot should enquire these enquiry to your interviewer, because shout out for correct enquiry to fill upwards the gap inward requirement is a trait of skillful programmer as well as highly appreciated on both telephonic as well as face-to-face interviews). Key betoken to sympathise hither is that you lot demand to contrary the same array, you lot cannot role about other array but ane or 2 variable is fine. You are too non allowed to role whatever opened upwards source library or Java API which tin contrary the array direct e.g. whatever method from java.util.Arrays course of written report except Arrays.toString()to print arrays inward Java. So instantly the requirement is clear, what approach comes inward your mind? how do you lot solve this problem?

Java Program to Reverse Array In Place

The start matter which comes inward my heed is to loop through array as well as swap the elements of array e.g. swap start chemical ingredient alongside final element, swap minute chemical ingredient alongside minute final chemical ingredient until you lot accomplish the middle of the array. This way, all elements of array volition live on reversed without using whatever additional buffer. Key matter to operate on inward heed inward this algorithm is that you lot solely demand to iterate till middle element, if you lot become beyond that as well as hence you lot halt upwards swapping elements twice as well as final result inward same array. Some of you lot volition live on puzzled, what is length of array is even? In that representative in that location volition live on 2 middle chemical ingredient as well as nosotros demand to swap them, that's why your loop status should live on index <= middle as well as non index < middle. Here middle index is aught but length/2. Remember, nosotros are using partition operator, which agency if length is 8 as well as hence it volition furnish four as well as when length is vii it volition furnish 3. So inward representative of fifty-fifty length, the middle chemical ingredient volition live on swapped twice, but inward representative of strange length in that location is only ane middle chemical ingredient as well as it volition non live on swapped.

It's been said fourth dimension as well as ane time again that a motion-picture present is worth a 1000 give-and-take as well as truthful to the point, this paradigm explains the algorithm nosotros used to contrary array inward house quite well. You tin take in that how elements of arrays are swapped seat alongside each other as well as middle chemical ingredient rest unchanged, alongside only 2 swapping nosotros guide maintain reversed an array of 5 elements.

 because all you lot demand to do is create an array of same size How to Reverse Array inward Place inward Java? Solution With Explanation

Here is our sample Java computer program to contrary array inward place, solution is elementary as well as slowly to follow, but don't forget to expect my JUnit tests to sympathise it combat more.

import java.util.Arrays;  /**  * Java Program to demonstrate how to contrary an array inward place.  */ public class ArrayReversalDemo {      public static void main(String[] args) {         int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};         reverse(numbers);     }      /**      * contrary the given array inward house       * @param input      */     public static void reverse(int[] input) {         System.out.println("original array : " + Arrays.toString(input));                  // treatment null, empty as well as ane chemical ingredient array         if(input == null || input.length <= 1){             return;         }                         for (int i = 0; i < input.length / 2; i++) {             int temp = input[i]; // swap numbers             input[i] = input[input.length - 1 - i];             input[input.length - 1 - i] = temp;         }          System.out.println("reversed array : " + Arrays.toString(input));     }           }  Output master copy array : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] reversed array : [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] master copy array : [] master copy array : null master copy array : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] reversed array : [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] master copy array : [1]

You tin take in inward output hither that input array is reversed properly as well as inward representative of null, empty as well as array alongside only ane element, same array is returned.

JUnit tests

Here is my suite of JUnit tests for our reverse(int[] input)  method. I guide maintain made certain to examination our solution tin guide maintain null, empty array, an array alongside only ane element, as well as array alongside fifty-fifty or strange seat out of elements. You tin fifty-fifty examination drive this problem. Writing Unit examination is a skillful practice as well as during Interview you lot must write JUnit examination fifty-fifty if Interview has non asked for it. This shows that you lot are a professional person software developer as well as you lot assist for your trade.

import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;  import org.junit.Test;  public class ArrayReversalDemoTest {          @Test     public void testReverseWithEvenLengthOfArray(){         int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};         HelloWorld.reverse(numbers);         assertArrayEquals(new int[]{6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, numbers);     }          @Test     public void testReverseWithOddLengthOfArray(){         int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};         HelloWorld.reverse(numbers);         assertArrayEquals(new int[]{7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, numbers);     }          @Test     public void testReverseWithEmptyArray(){         int[] numbers = {};         HelloWorld.reverse(numbers);         assertArrayEquals(new int[]{}, numbers);     }          @Test     public void testReverseWithNullArray(){         int[] numbers = null;         HelloWorld.reverse(numbers);         assertArrayEquals(null, numbers);     }          @Test     public void testReverseWithJustOneElementArray(){         int[] numbers = {1};         HelloWorld.reverse(numbers);         assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1}, numbers);     }     }

as well as hither is the output of running our unit of measurement tests, they all pass.
 because all you lot demand to do is create an array of same size How to Reverse Array inward Place inward Java? Solution With Explanation

That's all close how to contrary array inward house inward Java. Time complexity of this method is O(n/2) or O(n) because it solely iterate through one-half of the array, but its inward O(n) because response fourth dimension increases inward same club every bit input increases. As a task, tin you lot uncovering a faster solution of this problem?

Further Learning
Data Structures as well as Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java
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