Can Yous Overload Or Override Static Methods Inward Java

Can static method move overridden inward Java, or can you lot override together with overload static method inward Java, is a mutual Java interview question, by together with large asked to 2 years experienced Java programmers. Answer is, No, you tin non override static method inward Java, though you lot tin declare method amongst same signature inward sub class. It won't move overridden inward exact sense, instead that is called method hiding. But at same time, you lot tin overload static methods inward Java, at that topographic point is zip incorrect declaring static methods amongst same name, simply dissimilar arguments. Some fourth dimension interviewer every bit good ask, Why you lot tin non override static methods inward Java? Answer of this inquiry lies on fourth dimension of resolution. As I said inward difference betwixt static together with dynamic binding , static method are bonded during compile fourth dimension using Type of reference variable, together with non Object. If you lot convey using IDE similar Netbeans together with Eclipse, together with If you lot attempt to access static methods using an object, you lot volition run into warnings. As per Java coding convention, static methods should move accessed past times course of education get upward rather than object. In curt Static method tin move overloaded, simply tin non move overridden inward Java. If you lot declare,  another static method amongst same signature inward derived course of education than static method of super course of education volition move hidden, together with whatever telephone phone to that static method inward sub course of education volition acquire to static method declared inward that course of education itself. This is known every bit method hiding inward Java.

Can Static Method move overridden inward Java - See yourself

can you lot override together with overload static method inward Java Can You Overload or Override Static methods inward JavaLet's run into an instance of trying to override a static method. In this Java Program, nosotros convey 2 classes Parent together with Child, both convey name() method which is static. Now, As per rules of method overriding, if a method is overridden than a telephone phone is resolved past times type of object during runtime. Which means, inward our attempt course of education StaticOverrideTest, inward instant example, should telephone phone Child class' name() method, because reference variable of type Parent is referring an object of Child, simply instead it telephone phone name() method of Parent course of education itself. This happens, because static methods are resolved or bonded during compile time, together with entirely data which is available, together with used past times compiler is type of reference variable. Since p was reference variable of Parent type, name() method from Parent course of education was called. Now, In corporation to evidence that static method tin move hidden, if nosotros telephone phone or, it volition telephone phone name() method from Child class. This agency static methods tin non overridden inward Java, they tin entirely move hidden. This every bit good answers, Why static method tin non move overridden inward Java, because they are resolved during compile time. By the way, this instance doesn't show, whether you lot tin overload static method or not, simply you lot can. See this tutorial, for an instance of overloading static method inward Java. 

/**  * Java Program to exhibit that, you lot tin non override static method inward Java.  * If you lot declare same method inward subclass then, It's known every bit method hiding.  *  * @author Javin Paul  */ public class StaticOverrideTest {             public static void main(String args[]) {                 Parent p = new Parent();;   // should telephone phone static method from super course of education (Parent)                     // because type of reference variable                     // p is Parent                 p = new Child();;  // every bit per overriding rules this should telephone phone to child's static                     // overridden method. Since static method tin non move overridden                    // , it volition telephone phone rear static method                    // because Type of p is Parent.                 Child c = new Child();;  // volition telephone phone kid static method because static method                     // acquire called past times type of Class             } }  class Parent{         /*      * master static method inward super course of education which volition move hidden      * inward subclass.      */     public static void name(){         System.out.println("static method from Parent");     } }  class Child extends Parent{         /*      * Static method amongst same signature every bit inward super class,      * Since static method tin non move overridden, this is called      * method hiding. Now, if you lot telephone phone, this method      * volition move called, every bit good whatever telephone phone to name() inward this item      * course of education volition acquire to this method, because super course of education method is hidden.      */     public static void name(){         System.out.println("static method from Child");     } }  Output static method from Parent static method from Parent static method from Child

That's all on this Java interview inquiry guys. Remember, Static methods tin non move overridden inward Java, simply they tin move overloaded together with hidden inward Java. We convey every bit good touched based on What is method hiding inward Java, together with learned Why Static method tin non move overridden inward Java, since they are bonded during compile fourth dimension past times using type of Class, together with non at runtime using Objects.

Further Learning
Why aspect together with notify methods are declared inward Object class?


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