2 Examples Of Streams Alongside Collections Inward Coffee 8

Finally Java 8 is here, later to a greater extent than than 2 years of JDK 7, nosotros choose a much expected Java 8 with lots of interesting feature. Though Lambda appear is the most talked item of coming Java 8 release, it wouldn't choose been this much popular, if Collections were non improved together with Stream API were non introduced. Java 8 is bringing on novel Streams API java.util.stream package, which allow you lot to procedure elements of Java Collections inward parallel. Java is inheritably sequential together with in that place is no straight hateful to innovate parallel processing at library level, current API is going to fill upwards that gap. By using this, you lot tin scope notice filter elements of collection on given touchstone e.g. if you lot choose a List of orders, you lot tin scope notice filter purchase orders with sell orders, filter orders based upon in that place quantity together with cost together with hence on.

You tin scope notice too perform 2 of most pop functional programming functions e.g. map and reduce. java.util.stream shape provides business office such mapToInt(), mapToLong(), together with map business office to apply an functioning on all elements of Collections.

By the way, these are merely few of gems of Stream API, I am certain you lot volition honor several more, when you lot start exploring lambda expression together with java.util.stream package. In this tutorial, nosotros volition come across 2 examples of using Java 8 Stream with Collections classes.

I choose chosen List for these example, but you lot tin scope notice utilization whatever Collection e.g. Set, LinkedList etc.

By the way, utilization of Stream is non limited to Collections only, you lot tin scope notice fifty-fifty utilization an array, a generator function, or an I/O channel every bit source. In most cases, a Stream pipeline inward Java 8  consists a source, followed yesteryear nix or to a greater extent than intermediate current operations e.g. filter() or map(); together with a terminal functioning such every bit forEach() or reduce().

How to utilization Streams with Collections inward Java 8

 Though Lambda appear is the most talked item of coming Java  2 Examples of Streams with Collections inward Java 8
As I said, nosotros tin scope notice utilization Stream with Collection every bit source inward previous paragraph, similar a shot is fourth dimension to come across merely about code inward action. For this example, I choose a listing of Orders, where each gild contains bare minimum details e.g. Side (buy or sell), price, quantity and security. Once nosotros initialized our listing with merely about orders, nosotros tin scope notice perform interesting operations exposed yesteryear current API. In root example, nosotros are using filter() method to filter all sell orders. In 2nd example, nosotros are using Stream APIs mapToDouble() method to calculate full for both cost together with quantity, which would choose hateful iterating over Collection together with adding each elements cost inward total. Because of Java 8 lambda appear together with current API our code is reduced into pretty much 1 liner.

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Stream;  public class StreamDemo{      public static void main(String args[]) {          // Initialization of Collection         List<Order> orderBook = new ArrayList<>();          Order buyGoogle = new Order("GOOG.NS", 300, 900.30, Order.Side.BUY);         Order sellGoogle = new Order("GOOG.NS", 600, 890.30, Order.Side.SELL);         Order buyApple = new Order("APPL.NS", 400, 552, Order.Side.BUY);         Order sellApple = new Order("APPL.NS", 200, 550, Order.Side.SELL);         Order buyGS = new Order("GS.NS", 300, 130, Order.Side.BUY);          orderBook.add(buyGoogle);         orderBook.add(sellGoogle);         orderBook.add(buyApple);         orderBook.add(sellApple);         orderBook.add(buyGS);          // Java 8 Streams Example 1 : Filtering Collection elements         // Filtering purchase together with sell gild using filter() method of java.util.Stream class         Stream<Order> current = orderBook.stream();         Stream buyOrders = stream.filter((Order o) -> o.side().equals(Order.Side.BUY));         System.out.println("No of Buy Order Placed :" + buyOrders.count());          Stream<Order> sellOrders = orderBook.stream().filter((Order o) -> o.side() == Order.Side.SELL);         System.out.println("No of Sell Order Placed : " + sellOrders.count());          // Java 8 Streams Example 2 : Reduce or Fold operation         // Calculating full value of all orders         double value = orderBook.stream().mapToDouble((Order o) -> o.price()).sum();         System.out.println("Total value of all orders : " + value);          long quantity = orderBook.stream().mapToLong((Order o) -> o.quantity()).sum();         System.out.println("Total quantity of all orders : " + quantity);      }  }  class Order {      enum Side {         BUY, SELL;     }     private final String symbol;     private final int quantity;     private double price;     private final Side side;      public Order(String symbol, int quantity, double price, Side side) {         this.symbol = symbol;         this.quantity = quantity;         this.price = price;         this.side = side;     }      public double price() {         return price;     }      public void price(double price) {         this.price = price;     }      public String symbol() {         return symbol;     }      public int quantity() {         return quantity;     }      public Side side() {         return side;     } }  Output: No of Buy Order Placed :3 No of Sell Order Placed : 2 Total value of all orders : 3022.6 Total quantity of all orders : 1800

Important points close Java 8 Stream API

Following are merely about of import points close Stream API inward Java

1) Stream API allows you lot to procedure Collection both sequentially together with parallel. This is too useful for mass information operation. You tin scope notice practise a sequential together with parallel current every bit follows :

List<Order> orders =  getListOfOrders();  // sequential version Stream<Order> current = orders.stream();  //parallel version Stream<Order> parallelStream = orders.parallelStream();

Collection interface is enhanced to furnish current support. It similar a shot has a stream() method which returns a sequential Stream with this collection every bit its source. Once you lot acquire the reference of stream, you lot tin scope notice perform mass information operations with this collection.

2) One of the of import intend to banking concern annotation is that Stream practise non modify the master copy source. For every operation, a novel Stream is created together with master copy collection remains unmodified. Similarly, you lot cannot reuse Stream either. Reusing a shut current volition throw IllegalStateException as shown below :

Exception inward thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: current has already been operated upon or shut     at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.(AbstractPipeline.java:203)     at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.(ReferencePipeline.java:94)     at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$StatelessOp.(ReferencePipeline.java:618)     at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2.(ReferencePipeline.java:163)     at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.filter(ReferencePipeline.java:162)     at Test.main(Test.java:33)

3) Stream operations are mainly divided into 2 categories : intermediate and terminal operations. Intermediate operations such every bit filter() or map() returns a novel Stream, piece terminal operations such every bit Stream.forEach() create a outcome or side effect. After the terminal operation, the current pipeline is considered consumed, together with tin scope notice no longer last used.

4) Intermediate operations are too of 2 types stateless together with stateful. As advert suggests, stateless operations doesn't retain whatever dry soil from previously processed element, filter() together with map() are 2 examples of stateless intermediate operation. On the other paw distinct() together with sorted() are instance of stateful operations, which tin scope notice choose dry soil from previously processed elements, piece processing novel elements.

That's all close how to utilization Streams with Collections inward Java 8. In my opinion, Stream volition going to last hugely pop alongside Java developers, given it's supports of functional programming idioms such every bit map and reduce along with parallel processing capability, back upwards for filtering elements from Collection. Lambda appear together with Stream API volition too aid inward removing lots of boiler plate code, which was generated due to usage of anonymous inner class. If you lot even hence non downloaded Java 8 release, you lot tin scope notice download from here.

Further Learning
The Complete Java MasterClass
  • How to utilization Stream shape inward Java 8 (tutorial)
  • How to utilization filter() method inward Java 8 (tutorial)
  • How to utilization forEach() method inward Java 8 (example)
  • How to bring together String inward Java 8 (example)
  • How to convert List to Map inward Java 8 (solution)
  • How to utilization peek() method inward Java 8 (example)
  • 5 Books to Learn Java 8 from Scratch (books)
  • How to convert current to array inward Java 8 (tutorial)
  • Java 8 Certification FAQ (guide)
  • Java 8 Mock Exams together with Practice Test (test)

  • Thanks for reading this article hence far. If you lot similar this article hence delight part with your friends together with colleagues. If you lot choose whatever question, doubt, or feedback hence delight drib a comment together with I'll endeavor to respond your question.

    P.S. : If you lot desire to larn to a greater extent than close novel features inward Java 8 hence delight come across the tutorial What's New inward Java 8. It explains close all of import features of Java 8 e.g. lambda expressions, streams, functional inteface, Optionals, novel appointment together with fourth dimension API together with other miscelleneous changes.

    Sumber https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/

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