What Is The Maximum Heap Size Of 32 Fleck Or 64-Bit Jvm Inwards Windows In Addition To Linux?

Maximum heap size  for 32 fleck or 64 fleck JVM looks slow to decide yesteryear looking at addressable retention infinite similar 2^32 (4GB) for 32 fleck JVM as well as 2^64 for 64 fleck JVM. Confusion starts hither because yous tin sack non actually laid 4GB equally maximum heap size for 32 fleck JVM using -Xmx JVM heap options. You volition get could non do the Java virtual machine Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx  error. There could endure many dissimilar argue why maximum heap infinite for JVM is less than in that place theoretical boundary as well as vary from 1 operating organization to other e.g. dissimilar inwards Windows, Linux as well as Solaris. I possess got seen duet of comments on my post 10 points on Java Heap Space regarding what is maximum heap infinite for Java or 32 fleck JVM or 64 fleck JVM as well as why Windows allows alone upto 1.6G retention equally maximum heap infinite etc. In this Java article, I possess got collected some of the oftentimes asked questions to a greater extent than or less maximum heap space on both 32 as well as 64 fleck JVM as well as tried to explicate them.

FAQ Maximum Java Heap Space on 32 as well as 64 fleck JVM

 fleck JVM looks slow to decide yesteryear looking at addressable retention infinite similar  What is the maximum Heap Size of 32 fleck or 64-bit JVM inwards Windows as well as Linux?Here is listing of some confusions I possess got seen on Java programmers regarding maximum heap infinite of 32 as well as 64 fleck Java Virtual Machines :
  1. What is maximum heap size for 32 fleck JVM?  2GB or 4GB?
  2. Why my JVM non able to foremost on windows when maximum heap infinite to a greater extent than or less 1600M?
  3. Why Linux or Solaris let to a greater extent than maximum heap size than windows for same, 32 fleck JVM?
  4. Can nosotros laid to a greater extent than than 4GB equally maximum heap size for 32 fleck JVM running on 64 fleck or x64 operating system?
  5. What is maximum heap size for 64 fleck or x64 JVM, Is it 8GB or 16GB?
  6. Can I specify to a greater extent than than 1GB equally heap infinite if physical retention is less than 1GB?

If yous likewise possess got similar confusion on JVM maximum heap infinite no matter whether its for your ain Java application or whatsoever Java spider web or application server similar Tomcat, JBoss or WebLogic, This give-and-take applies to all of them.

What is maximum heap size for 32 fleck JVM?  2GB or 4GB?
This confusion comes because of sign bit, many programmer intend inwards price of signed integer as well as they intend maximum addressable retention (size of address bus) for 32 fleck architecture is 2^32-1 or 2GB and this confusion is supported yesteryear fact that yous tin sack non furnish maximum heap infinite equally 2GB on windows machine. But this is wrong. Memory is cipher to do amongst signed or unsigned fleck equally in that place is no negative retention address. So theoretical boundary for maximum heap size on 32 fleck JVM is 4GB as well as for 64 fleck JVM its 2^64.

Why JVM non able to foremost on Windows XP when maximum heap infinite to a greater extent than or less 1600M?
This employment is virtually obvious on Windows platform similar Windows XP, which tries to allocate a contiguous chunk of retention equally requested yesteryear -Xmx JVM parameters. Windows reserves some infinite for his ain as well as seems likewise allocate retention to a greater extent than or less one-half of retention address bar, which consequently reduces contiguous retention infinite somewhere less than 2GB, to a greater extent than or less 1500 to 1600M as well as when yous compass to a greater extent than than this size, JVM throws fault as.

Could non do the Java virtual machine.
Invalid initial heap size: -Xms1.5G

Remember, this boundary on heap infinite is due to windows operating system's ain behavior. You tin sack laid maximum heap space, to a greater extent than than this size inwards Linux or Solaris. Though maximum heap size for 32 fleck or 64 fleck JVM volition ever endure less than theoretical boundary of addressable memory. By the agency yous tin sack instruct this fault due to many reasons, come across How to fix Invalid Initial as well as Maximum heap size inwards JVM for to a greater extent than details.

Why Linux or Solaris let to a greater extent than maximum heap size than windows for same, 32 fleck JVM?
This  point is likewise related to second. Though in that place could endure multiple reasons for that exactly I intend It could endure because of Windows trying to allocate contiguous chunk of retention equally Java heap space. Happy to listen your persuasion on this.

Can nosotros laid to a greater extent than than 4GB equally maximum heap size for 32 fleck JVM running on 64 fleck or x64 operating system?
This is a tricky question equally yous are running 32 fleck JVM on x64 server. In my persuasion yous tin sack laid upto 4GB for 32 fleck JVM exactly non to a greater extent than than that. Though x64 Servers has to a greater extent than retention for his needs as well as since every procedure tin sack possess got upto 2^64 fleck it may await perfectly OK for 32 fleck JVM to convey 4GB equally maximum heap size. In practice, I possess got tried both Linux as well as Solaris servers setting maximum heap size equally 4G exactly it didn’t accept. Solaris goes to a greater extent than closed to 4GB yesteryear allowing upto 3.6G (approx).

What is maximum heap size for 64 fleck or x64 JVM, Is it 8GB or 16GB?
This inquiry generally arise because of available physical retention on machine. As no organization currently possess got 2^64 fleck of physical retention or RAM as well as often high goal servers has retention to a greater extent than or less 8G, 16GB or 32GB. Theoretical maximum retention for x64 machines is 2^64 fleck exactly 1 time to a greater extent than its depend on how much your operating systems allows.I read some where that Windows allowed maximum of 32GB for 64 fleck JVM.

Can I specify to a greater extent than than 1GB equally heap infinite if physical retention is less than 1GB ?
Theoretically yes, because operating organization tin sack operate virtual retention as well as swap pages betwixt physical retention as well as virtual memory, when in that place is no room inwards physical memory. Practically, if yous are running on windows than it depends how far yous tin sack go, I possess got run Java plan amongst -Xmx1124M even though my machine has less than 1GB RAM.

That’s all on what is maximum Java heap infinite for 32 fleck as well as 64 fleck JVM. As yous come across maximum heap size depends upon host operating system. Solaris as well as Linux provides to a greater extent than heap infinite than windows as well as that could endure 1 of the many argue that Java Server application generally run on UNIX based systems. Let me know what’s your idea as well as experience  on maximum Java heap infinite for  x86 as well as x64 JVM running on both x86 as well as x64 machines.

Further Learning
Java Memory Management
Difference betwixt JRE, JDK as well as JVM

Sumber https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/

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