Failed To Connect To Queue Managing Director - Websphere Mq Mistake Inward Java

"Failed to connect to queue manager" mistake comes inwards WebSphere MQ if whatever Client e.g. Java computer programme is non able to connect to MQ server due to whatever reason. The argue is genuinely identified past times argue code inwards mistake message e.g. code 2397 comes when SSL is enabled betwixt customer too server too Java customer is non able to connect to server due to unknown or expired SSL certificates. If you lot are working inwards Java application which is using WebSphere MQ for messaging over SSL too hence you lot are leap to human face upwards some setup, certificate too keystore vs truststore related error. For start timers agreement SSL too MQ errors is nightmare, forget nearly solving them. I have got gone through that too later spending hours on Google too Websphere MQ documentations, I managed to solve some of the problems nosotros human face upwards spell connecting to MQ over SSL from our Java application. In this article, I am listing downwards these errors too exceptions too their elbow grease too solution for everyone's benefit. Next fourth dimension you lot human face upwards whatever MQ SSL issue, hopefully you lot volition discovery the right solution to solve these tricky errors. In this tutorial nosotros volition mainly looked at 3 errors :
  • Unable to discovery valid certification path to requested target
  • JMSWMQ2020: Failed to connect to queue manager
  • Remote SSL peer refer mistake for channel 'ABC.XYZ'

I have got by too large encountered these spell working amongst Java application which was connecting to other legacy organisation using MQ for sending too receiving XML files, simply useful to anyone who is using over MQ over SSL.

SSL handshake failed : unable to discovery valid certification path to requested target

The start occupation nosotros human face upwards was due to death of SSL certificates which our Java customer is using to connect to MQ series. Here is the exact exception :

Error :
SSL handshake failed. [[ PKIX path edifice failed: unable to discovery valid certification path to requested target

Cause : server was moved to dissimilar SSL signer certificates, personal certificates on keystore was expired.

Solution : If personal certificates are expired too hence you lot involve to exercise novel valid personal certificates too add together them into keystore. Also add together novel signer certificates into trust shop which is used past times server. This would live on required during SSL handshake. Once nosotros updated our our Java application's truststore too keystore this mistake was solve. It took me long fourth dimension to sympathize too cook this mistake because I wasn't aware of exact difference betwixt keystore too truststore too how precisely they are used during SSL handshake process.

 mistake comes inwards WebSphere MQ if whatever Client e Failed to connect to queue director - WebSphere MQ Error inwards Java

JMSWMQ2020: Failed to connect to queue manager

This mistake was also related to previous occupation simply it confuses a lot too nosotros spent fourth dimension to regard if queue is available, it allows connecter too other properties because it doesn't state anything nearly actual cause, which is expired SSL certificates. If you lot are completely novel inwards SSL too Java too hence I would also suggest to read my before tutorial about SSL, Certificate too Java to sympathize more.

Error JMSWMQ2020: Failed to connect to queue manager
Caused by: JMSCMQ0001: WebSphere MQ telephone phone failed amongst compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') argue '2397' ('MQRC_JSSE_ERROR').

Cause: Code 2397 comes when SSL is enable betwixt MQ customer too server simply SSL handshake is failed due to certificates issues e.g. dissimilar signer certs on customer too server side or expired certificates on customer too server side.

Solution:  Once nosotros added novel gear upwards of SSL certificate inwards keystore too truststore too also deployed inwards MQ server this mistake was solved. BTW, e'er depository fiscal establishment check for MQ Error code, because that's to a greater extent than precise too hence mistake message too MQ move dissimilar mistake code for dissimilar exceptions. For Example if both MQ customer too server has right gear upwards of certificates, too you lot are withal non able to connect other, too hence at that topographic point could live on an lawsuit amongst SSL Peer setup. Common name, ("cn" plain inwards your SSL certificate) of client's personal SSL certificates are required to live on added equally SSLPEER on server side, too if that's non setup, SSL connecter volition non flora too MQ volition give you lot next mistake :

Caused by: JMSCMQ0001: WebSphere MQ telephone phone failed amongst compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') argue '2059' ('MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE').         at Caused by: CC=2;RC=2059;AMQ9643: Remote SSL peer refer mistake for channel 'ABC.XYZ'         at         at         at         at         at         at

You tin depository fiscal establishment check hither MQ code for argue is 2059, which is dissimilar than previous code 2397. So paying a closed attending on MQ argue code, amid clutters of Exception Stack trace is telephone commutation to identifying  the argue behind failure.

SSL Peer Failure

When you lot enable SSL betwixt customer too Server inwards MQ, you lot also involve to add together SSL Peer inwards WebSphere MQ Server Side. This SSL Peer is mutual refer (CN) from customer applications personal certificates e.g. for next mutual refer :

Owner: CN=TEST_CERTS, OU=RES, O=APP, L=London, ST=London, C=UK

SSLPeer entry should live on :


If SSLPeer is non setup or mutual refer from client's personal certificate is non matching amongst SSLPEER too hence WMQ volition throw next error, when Java Client volition elbow grease to connect to MQ server :

Caused by: JMSCMQ0001: WebSphere MQ telephone phone failed amongst compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') argue '2059' ('MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE').          at  Caused by: CC=2;RC=2059;AMQ9643: Remote SSL peer refer error for channel 'ABC.XYZ'         at         at         at         at         at         at 

You tin also move wild bill of fare spell adding SSL Peer on server side e.g. next wild bill of fare volition allow whatever customer which has TEST_CERTS inwards it's mutual name.


That's all nearly SSL related errors from WebSphere MQ, also known equally WMQ. It takes a lot of fourth dimension to troubleshoot too solve this error, particularly if you lot don't sympathize how SSL,Certificate too Java industrial plant together. WMQ is also a niche technology hence its expected that many Java programmer is non familiar amongst how it industrial plant too other setup related materials which is by too large handled past times middleware team. Communicating amongst them could live on existent hurting if you lot couldn't explicate the right elbow grease to them. Its meliorate to befriend them hence that you lot tin piece of work together spell troubleshooting a MQ SSL related issue.

Further Learning
Understanding the Java Virtual Machine: Security
Understanding too Solving Java Memory Problems
Java Performance The Definitive Guide By Scott Oaks

If you lot similar this tutorial too looking for to a greater extent than materials on IBM WMQ, too hence don't forget to depository fiscal establishment check out my other Java tutorial related to MQ, SSL,Messaging, Tibco too Java :
  • 10 WebSphere MQ Interview Questions for Java developers (list)
  • What is departure betwixt Web too Application Server? (answer)
  • Difference betwixt Tibco European Monetary System too Tibco RV? (answer)
  • How Tibco RV messaging works? (explanation)
  • 10 Tibco Rendezvous Tips too Commands? (tips)


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