Tibrvnative.Dll : Can't Charge Ia 32-Bit .Dll On A Amd 64-Bit Platform - Windows 8

Can't charge IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform is a generic error, which comes when a 64-bit procedure tries to charge a 32-bit dll, but when it comes its non that tardily to resolve. One of my reader was getting this mistake tibrvnative.dll : Can't charge IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit when he was trying to install Tibco Rendezvous 8.2 on his Windows 8 HP Laptop. He was working on Java application which was theme upon Tibco Rendezvous for inter procedure communication. After installing Tibco on his machine he was having difficult fourth dimension to run his Java application, commencement he was getting errors similar java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no tibrvnative inward java.library.path together with subsequently resolving that he was getting a novel mistake tibrvnative.dll: Can't detect theme libraries.

After a lot of question together with lawsuit together with error, he constitute that the version he was trying e.g. Tibco Rendezvous 8.2 was non supported for Windows 8 operating system.

That installer was working fine on Windows vii together with XP but non working on Windows 8. At last, when he upgraded to latest Tibco Rendezvous version 8.4.1, which supposed to travel on windows 8, he started getting a novel mistake Can't charge IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform.

Frustrated amongst all these errors, he was almost to orbit up, when he emailed me. I suggested to attempt running his Java application, which was using Tibco Rendezvous, amongst 32-bit JVM rather than  64-bit JVM, which he was initially running because of 64-bit configuration of his notebook.

I besides suggested him to execute sample programs from Tibco installation, earlier running your Java application, it's non alone quick but besides isolate the issue. Thankfully running on 32-bit JVM did travel for him, which motivates me to post the solution here.

Solution : 

Use 32-bit JDK for running Tibco or whatever other 32-bit dll

As I said, it's a full general problem, where 32-bit dll is used  by x64 based procedure e.g. JDK 1.7 x64 JVM, thus It tin come upwards non alone amongst Tibco Rendezvous but besides amongst whatever other Java JNI application which is using  native library.

Ideally yous should acquire version which is compatible to your operating system, architecture together with JVM e.g. dll which are compiled every bit 64-bit, but if that's non an pick than loading those dll by a 32-bit procedure is the side past times side best solution.

Good matter almost this whole consequence is that yous tin run 32-bit JVM inward 64-bit machine. You only ask to download right installer e.g. jdk-7u40-windows-i586 which is meant for x86 windows machine. If yous are running your plan inward Eclipse, than yous besides ask to commencement configure this JRE every bit preferred JRE amidst all installed JRE/JDK, together with thus permit your projection purpose this 32-bit JDK, instead of 64-bit one.

On only about other authorities annotation yous should ever purpose 64-bit version of whatever software if yous are running on 64-bit architecture together with 64-bit operating System similar Windows 8. I am non sure, if he had downloaded the 32-bit version of Tibco Rendezvous instead of 64-bit version, because all this mistake says is that Tibco was compiled for 32-bit together with Java was running on 64-bit machine.

 but when it comes its non that tardily to resolve tibrvnative.dll : Can't charge IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform - Windows 8

H5N1 to a greater extent than mutual work occurs when yous run daily purpose Java software similar Eclipse IDE into 64-bit machine. You tin consider issues like No Java virtual machine was constitute error, ever prefer trio of 64-bit for Eclipse, Java together with Windows 8 if yous can. Same dominion applies for whatever other native library or software.

That's all guys, In short, if yous ever acquire mistake Can't charge IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform, purpose 32-bit JVM to run your native 32-bit dll. You may acquire this real same mistake inward Windows vii or Windows 8, which are ii pop 64-bit operating system. Best is to acquire right installer, but if it doesn't tumble out attempt this play tricks to solve  "Can't charge IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform error" inward Java based application.

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Sumber https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/

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