How To Convert Byte Array To Inputstream As Well As Outputstream Inward Java

Are y'all stuck amongst your coding because y'all possess got a byte array together with side past times side method inwards chain needs an InputStream? don't worry Java has solution for that, You tin exercise ByteArrayInputStream to convert byte array to InputStream inwards Java. This cast takes a byte array every bit source together with since it's a sub-class of InputStream, y'all tin easily piece of work past times this to whatsoever method, which accepts InputStream every bit parameter. Though most of the API similar JDBC together with File API allows y'all to read straight from InputStream, because this allows y'all to procedure an arbitrary content amongst limited heap space. You should convey payoff of this together with straight read from InputStream instead of getting byte array together with and thence converting them dorsum to InputStream.

It's solely for those situation, where y'all possess got a legacy code, which is no to a greater extent than maintained together with updated. Similarly converting byte array to OutputStream is trivial.

Since nosotros exercise OutputStream to write something, it allows y'all to straight write byte array inwards it. Say y'all possess got got some messages from TCP socket together with desire to persist inwards file system, y'all tin exercise OutputStream together with FileOutputStream to write byte array directly.

Earlier nosotros had seen how to convert InputStream to byte array, In this article, nosotros volition run across contrary of that past times creating a uncomplicated instance of converting byte array to InputStream inwards action.

Byte Array to InputStream together with OutputStream

Here is our sample program, which root convey a byte array from String for testing purpose. Anyway, ever render character encoding when converting String to bytes together with vice-versa. To recreate scenario, I possess got created a static method, which converts an InputStream to String.

This method is called streamToString(), which takes an InputStream together with grapheme encoding for reading text. We recreate the same String, which nosotros had previously converted into byte array. Next business office of this instance shows, how tin y'all write a byte array to an OutputStream.

By the way, if y'all are non using try-with-resource statement, together with thence don't forget to unopen Streams 1 time y'all are through amongst it. It tin survive argued that, whether a method, which accepts an InputStream should unopen it or not, but I possess got closed it to survive on rubber side.

Let me know what is your idea on this, because at that spot is instance of IO utility classes inwards both Apache Commons IO together with Google Guava which closes current together with which doesn't unopen the current passed to them.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; /**  * Java Program to convert byte array to InputStream together with OutputStream inwards Java.  * Uses ByteArrayInputStream together with ByteArrayOutputStream examples.  * @author Javin Paul  */ public class ByteArrayToStream {     public static void main(String args[]) {         String str = "Google is GOD";         byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);        
        // Creating InputStream from byte array         // ByteArrayInputStream is sub-class of InputStream         InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);         String stringFromBytes = streamToString(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);         System.out.println("String recreated from bytes : " + str);        
        // Writing byte array to OutputStream         OutputStream bone = new ByteArrayOutputStream();         try {             os.write(bytes);             os.close();         } catch (IOException e) {             e.printStackTrace();         }     }     /*      * Read String from InputStream together with closes it      */     public static String streamToString(InputStream is, Charset encoding) {         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, encoding));         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);         try {             String job = br.readLine();             while (line != null) {                 sb.append(line);                 job = br.readLine();             }         } catch (IOException io) {             System.out.println("Failed to read from Stream");             io.printStackTrace();         } finally {             try {                 br.close();             } catch (IOException ioex) {                 System.out.println("Failed to unopen Streams");                 ioex.printStackTrace();             }         }         return sb.toString();     } } Output: String recreated from bytes : Google is GOD

You tin run across how our streamToString() method has converted InputStream to String, but existent affair is earlier that, nosotros possess got used ByteArrayInputStream to convert our byte array to InputStream inwards Java. As I said ByteArrayInputStream is subclass of InputStream, y'all tin piece of work past times or exercise it whenever a InputStream is required. This is besides clear from cast hierarchy diagram taken from package, which shows unlike implementation of InputStream from JDK library.

That's all nearly how to convert byte array to InputStream inwards Java. It mightiness audio hard initially, because of express noesis of package, but it’s piece of work out really uncomplicated 1 time y'all know at that spot is a cast called ByteArrayInputStream. Since it’s a modest cast of InputStream, y'all tin piece of work past times it simply about inwards house of InputStream. Don't forget to render grapheme encoding if y'all are converting bytes to characters together with unopen streams 1 time y'all are done amongst them.

Further Learning
Complete Java Masterclass
Java Fundamentals: The Java Language
Java In-Depth: Become a Complete Java Engineer!


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