Top X Mq Serial Interview Questions Answers - Websphere Together With Active Mq

MQ Series Interview Questions too Answers are collection of unopen to of the questions asked on diverse MQ implementation e.g. IBM WebSphere MQ, Active MQ or Sonic MQ from dissimilar centre Java too Enterprise Java (JEE) interviews. Most of these questions are from websphere MQ equally it's the ane which is near pop inwards large organization, especially inwards finance domain. By the way messaging is a key appear of whatever corporation application too y'all volition ever encounter unopen to shape of messaging betwixt dissimilar systems inwards a organization. For example, In finance world, near of the middle run to dorsum run communication happens over messaging middle-ware similar TIBCO or MQ Series. Its ane of the pop Message Oriented Middleware used inwards Core Java too Enterprise Java application deployed on IBM WebSphere Server, which agency if your scheme is using IBM WebSphere equally application server, y'all are probable encounter WebSphere MQ there.

By the way that's non the exclusively ane messaging solution available, y'all bring duo of choices depending upon requirement e.g. Tibco Rendezvous for high speed messaging, Tibco European Monetary System for a JMS based messaging, generally for durable messages too MQ serial equally well.

It's long fourth dimension I bring written whatever article on messaging after my articles based on Tibco messaging, along amongst unopen to Tibco Interview Questions e.g. difference betwixt Tibco RV too Tibco EMS.

In this messaging article, focus volition on MQ Series too inwards particular WebSphere MQ. These 10 WebSphere MQ interview Question too Answers volition for sure assist y'all to develop meliorate for whatever Java interview which await experience on MQ Series.

MQ Series Interview Questions Answers

Here is my collection of interview enquiry based upon basic concepts of MQ series. Though y'all may await unopen to full general messaging questions equally good equally unopen to JMS based enquiry on Java interviews, hold out laid upward for MQ serial enquiry if Job description has whatever give-and-take related to MQ e.g. WebSphere MQ or Active MQ.

Most of the questions are based upon practical cognition exactly they are essentially fundamentals too if y'all know them, y'all tin give notice exercise real good inwards Java JEE interviews. In fact those who are especially giving interview for back upward roles, cognition of WebSphere MQ is actually valuable.

If y'all worked on Tibco RV or WMQ then ever yell it on your CV, its a real sought after science onset fiscal organization. These questions are expert to refresh your retentiveness before going for personal or telephonic interviews.

1. What is QueueManager inwards IBM WebSphere MQ ? What does QueueManager exercise ?
QueueManager is primary ingredient of WebSphere MQ or WMQ. QueueManager is responsible for storing too routing messages to other Queue Manager inside MQ too it equally good communicate amongst exterior the world e.g. Java plan or whatever other MQ client.

2. What is Channel inwards IBM WebSphere MQ ?
In WebSphere MQ or WMQ, Queue Manager utilisation channel to transmit messages to other QueueManager. Channel carries ane way traffic inwards MQ Series (i.e. channels are uni directional). You tin give notice bring either sending channel or receiving channel inwards MQ.

3. What is dead missive of the alphabet queue inwards IBM MQ Series ?
Dead missive of the alphabet Queue inwards WebSphere MQ is a queue which is used past times QueueManager to archive messages for a non real queue. For instance of QueueManager QMGR, receives a messages for queue ABC and if it didn't be on that QueueMangaer then message volition hold out routed to dead missive of the alphabet queue.

4. What is CCDT file on WebSphere MQ or WMQ ?
CCDT file or Client Channel definition tabular array is a binary file which contains connexion details required past times MQ clients e.g. Java application using JMS to connect to MQ Server. In social club to connect to MQ Server, MQ clients needs MQ Server host name, MQ Server port yell too server channel name. All these details are encapsulated inwards CCDT file named equally AMQCLCHL.TAB. In social club to exercise MQ Connection, MQ clients needs place of this file, which is provided equally configuration. near of MQ errors comes either amongst wrong CCDT files.

5. What is SSLPEER inwards IBM Websphere MQ ?
Another interesting too oft asked WebSphere MQ Interview Question. You tin give notice easily respond this MQ enquiry if y'all connected MQ via SSL. SSLPEER is a String unremarkably DN (Distinguished name) of MQ Client which connect to QueueManager securely using QueueManager. This is a machinery WMQ uses to position client. In instance of Java or JMS client, SSLPEER is DN of customer certificate stored inwards its keyStore and sent to server during SSL handshake.

6. What is deviation betwixt dead missive of the alphabet queue too backout queue inwards Websphere MQ ?
This is a follow enquiry of previous MQ interview enquiry "What is dead missive of the alphabet queue inwards MQ Series". As nosotros bring seen that dead missive of the alphabet queue is used to shop messages which is receives for non real queue. On the other manus backout queue are application specific queue.If MQ customer is non able to procedure message too inquire for redelivery, message is redelivered to customer amongst incremented delivery count. Once this deliveryCount crossed a configured threshold message is moved to back-out queue for subsequently processing or mistake handling. In brusk if MQ Series non able to deliver message to customer after a preconfigured attempt, WMQ moves message to backout queue.

7. What is deviation betwixt binding connexion too customer Connection ?
This MQ Interview enquiry is non mutual or oft asked, exactly expert to know. If MQ clients sits on same physical server where QueueManager is located than it tin give notice create binding connection which is relatively faster than client connection, which is unremarkably created past times MQ clients residing on same network exactly non same host. Most of application uses MQ customer connexion to connect QueueMangaer, which is slow too flexible.

8. What is deviation betwixt local queue too remote queue inwards WMQ ?
Rather unproblematic too fact based MQ Series interview question. This is asked to encounter whether candidate is familiar amongst MQ Series terminology or not. In WebSphere MQ, local queues are queue on same QueueManager while remote queue refers to queue on dissimilar QueueManager.

9. Which WebSphere MQ version bring y'all worked ? What is the latest IBM WebSphere MQ version ?
This MQ interview enquiry is to a greater extent than to know that which version of MQ bring y'all worked upon, exercise y'all familiar amongst whatever effect amongst that particular version or many major changes to previous or adjacent version etc. Based upon your answer, y'all may await unopen to follow-up questions. By the way electrical flow version of WMQ is WebSphere MQ 7.5 exactly it ever expert to cheque IBM's MQ website for latest version.

10. Apart from WebSphere MQ, bring y'all used whatever other Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) or any other MQ Series provider?
I similar this MQ Interview enquiry to inquire because many times having experience of ane or to a greater extent than Messaging technology or Messaging Middle-ware is good. As I said before Tibco RV, Tibco EMS too MQ Series are unopen to of the pop messaging technology used inwards Java applications. On MQ forepart at that spot are duo of to a greater extent than MQ providers e.g. Sonic MQ too Active MQ. Active MQ is costless too from Apache software foundation, which is slow to install too use. You tin give notice utilisation Active MQ for your evolution too evidence environment. it equally good render a useful Queue browser to move along rail of Queues too publish of message on it.

That's all on this listing of websphere mq serial questions too answers. If y'all bring faced whatever other interesting MQ Series Interview enquiry on WebSphere MQ, Sonic MQ or whatever other opened upward origin MQ provider e.g. Rabbit MQ than experience costless to part amongst us. You tin give notice equally good shared MQ related questions for which y'all don't know answers.

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