How To Solve Java.Lang.Unsatisfiedlinkerror: No Ocijdbc11 Inwards Java

"java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no ocijdbc11 inwards java.library.path" mistake comes when yous endeavor to connect to Oracle 11g database using OCI (thick) driver past times using tns name, but the ocijdbc11.dll file is non available inwards PATH or java.library.path environs variable. ocijdbc11.dll is a native library together with if yous know Java searches native library inwards PATH or a place specified past times java.library.path system property, if it doesn't notice the dll, together with therefore it throws java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no ocijdbc11 inwards java.library.path error. This dll is unremarkably flora inwards C:\Programs\Oracle\ora11g\bin\ocijdbc11.dll, but it could vary depending upon your Oracle installation.

The kickoff measuring to solving this mistake is a search for this dll inwards your machine, if yous are using windows, only search inwards your C drive. If the dll is non at that topographic point together with therefore yous bespeak to download that from Oracle's website. If it's already acquaint together with therefore only add together its place into PATH variable.

If yous are explicitly providing java.library.path together with therefore also furnish it at that topographic point e.g.
-Djava.library.path=C:\Programs\Oracle\ora11g\bin\ocijdbc11.dll . By the way, if yous genuinely desire to acquire Java database programming from scratch, I advise yous receive got a await at Practical database programming amongst Java book past times Ying Bai. This mass explains every of import special of Java database connectivity.

 mistake comes when yous endeavor to connect to Oracle  How to solve java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc11 inwards Java

By the way, this is non the measure way to connect to Oracle database from Java. Oracle users mainly piece of employment OCI driver for OS authentication or if they don't know the IP address of the server together with desire to connect using TNSE, but if yous are non concerned of that, yous tin ever piece of employment Oracle JDBC sparse driver to connect. For that, yous only bespeak to include ojdbc.jar inwards your classpath.

Just yell upwardly if yous piece of employment an OCI URL e.g. "jdbc:oracle:oci:/@"+tnsName together with therefore yous are using thick driver together with yous bespeak oracle customer libraries on the PATH, for that yous bespeak Oracle customer to hold out installed on your machine, but if yous piece of employment sparse driver amongst next URL format "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"+dbServer+":"+port+":"+SID; yous only bespeak driver's JAR file together with no native library volition hold out required because its type four pure Java driver.

Error :

Exception inwards thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc11 inwards java.library.path at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source) at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)

Analysis :

If yous await at the mistake yous volition notice that Java is complaining that ocijdbc11 dll is non flora inwards java.library.path. If yous farther await together with therefore yous volition tell that Oracle Driver is using System.loadLibrary() method to charge the native library, which explains why Java is searching for dll inwards java.library.path.

Btw, this is optional if yous don't furnish this organisation belongings Java volition await on all folders included inwards PATH environs variable.


There are ii ways to solve the problem, kickoff depository fiscal establishment jibe if ocijdbc11.dll is acquaint inwards your machine or not. For that produce a broad search on your C driver where programs are installed.

If yous don't notice this dll file together with therefore yous bespeak to install Oracle customer to acquire this dll. If yous install Oracle 11g inwards 64-bit Windows seven machine together with therefore this native library tin hold out flora inwards C:\Programs\Oracle\ora11g\bin\ocijdbc11.dll folder. Now only add together this folder to your PATH together with run your computer programme again, provided whatever other mistake yous should hold out able to connect to Oracle server.

The instant solution is to use Oracle JDBC sparse driver to connect Oracle database. For this yous bespeak to modify your JDBC URL format every bit "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"+dbServer+":"+port+":"+SID; together with include ojdbc6.jar inwards to your CLASSPATH.

Always yell upwardly the departure betwixt PATH together with CLASSPATH, PATH is used to locate executable files, native library files but JAR is ever loaded from the classpath. This is also the measure way to connect to Oracle 11g database.

You tin also encounter Core Java Volume II - Advanced Features past times Cay S. Horstmann to acquire to a greater extent than close database programming inwards Java using JDBC. One of the consummate mass to acquire Java.

 mistake comes when yous endeavor to connect to Oracle  How to solve java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc11 inwards Java

java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no ocijdbc11 inwards java.library.path inwards SQL Developer

After Toad, Oracle's SQL Developer is the adjacent pop tool for connecting to Oracle database together with this a Java client. That's why yous bespeak both thick together with sparse driver inwards your machine, which I estimate also comes when yous install SQL Developer. It uses the thick driver when using TNS elevate together with sparse driver when using the basic connection.

For the thick driver, yous bespeak ocijdbc11.dll inwards your PATH together with for the sparse driver, yous bespeak ojdbc6.jar or ojdbc6_g.jar, afterwards i is a debug version. So if yous acquire this mistake piece using SQL Developer, follow the inwards a higher identify measuring to variety it out.

If yous are using Oracle 10g together with therefore yous volition probable to encounter java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no ocijdbc10 inwards java.library.path, the solution is same notice the dll together with add together into PATH. Also, ojdbc6.jar tin hold out flora inwards C:\Programs\Oracle\ora11g\jdbc\lib\ location, where ORACLE_HOME.

 mistake comes when yous endeavor to connect to Oracle  How to solve java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc11 inwards Java

Since this is also a type of java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror, yous tin also encounter this tutorial to acquire a full general persuasion close how to solve this mistake inwards Java. You volition probable to encounter this type of mistake whenever your Java computer programme volition piece of employment native libraries, either internal or external to produce stuff.

That's all close how to fix java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no ocijdbc11 inwards java.library.path mistake in Java. You acquire this mistake when yous endeavor to connect to an Oracle 11g database from Java computer programme past times using its TNS elevate together with non the IP address. You tin ready this mistake past times adding ocijdbc11.dll inwards your PATH environs variable or into your java.library.path variable.

If that DLL is non available inwards your organisation together with therefore download together with install Oracle customer similar SQL Developer, which contains both thick together with sparse JDBC driver to connect to Oracle database. 

If yous get java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no ocijdbc10 inwards java.library.path way yous are connecting to Oracle 10g database but the solution is same amongst the alone departure inwards Oracle version difference. Let us know if yous facial expression upwardly whatever upshot piece connecting to Oracle database from Java together with I volition endeavor to assistance yous here. 

Other mutual mistake which comes piece connecting to database similar Oracle, MySQL, SQL SERVER from Java computer programme :
  • How to connect to MySQL database from Java Program [steps]
  • General Guide to solve java.lang.ClassNotFoundException inwards Java [guide]
  • java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory? [solution]
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  • How to solve java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver inwards Java MySQL? [solution]

Further Learning
JSP, Servlets together with JDBC for Beginners: Build a Database App
Complete JDBC Programming Part 1 together with 2
Java Platform: Working amongst Databases Using JDBC


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