Why Role @Override Notation Inwards Coffee - Coding Best Practice

@Override musical note was added inwards JDK 1.5 as well as it is used to teach compiler that method annotated alongside @Override is an overridden method from super class or interface. Though it may hold off niggling @Override is especially useful while overriding methods which convey Object equally parameter merely similar equals, compareTo or compare() method of Comparator  interface. @Override is ane of the 3 built inwards musical note provided yesteryear Java 1.5, other ii are @SuppressWarnings and @Deprecated. Out of these 3 @Override is almost used because of its full general nature, while @SuppressWarnings is besides used piece using Generics, @Deprecated is generally for API as well as library. If y'all guide maintain read my article common errors piece overriding equals method than y'all guide maintain run across that ane of the error Java programmer makes it,  write equals method alongside non object declaration type equally shown inwards below example:
public class Person{
    private String name;
    public boolean equals(Person person){
        return name.equals(person.name);

 as well as it is used to teach compiler that method annotated alongside  Why purpose @Override musical note inwards Java - Coding Best Practice
here programmer is attempting to override equals() method,  but instead of overriding, its a overloaded method. This error silently escape from compiler as well as non fifty-fifty surface on runtime yesteryear whatever Exception as well as it’s really difficult to detect. @Override annotation inwards Java forestall this category of mistake. if y'all set @Override annotation higher upwards equals method than compiler volition verify  if this method genuinely overrides a super class or interface method or not. if its non thence it throw compilation error similar "method does non override or implement a method from a super type. In brusk @Override annotation saves lot of debugging travail yesteryear avoiding this severe error inwards Java. This unmarried argue is plenty to convince programmer to ever purpose @Override annotation piece implementing super type methods.

I volition hand y'all ane to a greater extent than example, where @Override musical note  has saved me a lot of times. Sometime I brand error like, overriding method without argument, which means, I intend to override a method, which takes an declaration as well as ends upwards writing a novel method alongside same mention without argument. This larn genuinely nasty, especially if master copy method is non abstract, because thence compiler volition non present whatever warning or error. But if y'all are using @Override annotation, Compiler volition warning y'all alongside error that it genuinely does non override super degree method.

Apart from compile fourth dimension checking of overriding, @Override can besides move used yesteryear IDE as well as static code analyzer to advise a default implementation or coding best practices.

@Override annotation inwards Java 1.6

One of the major work alongside @Override annotation on JDK 1.5 was that it tin exclusively move used to inwards conjunction alongside super class i.e. compiler throws error if y'all purpose @Override annotation alongside interface method. From Java half dozen onwards y'all tin purpose @Override annotation piece implementing interface method equally well. This provides robust compile fourth dimension checking of overriding. If y'all guide maintain been using Eclipse IDE than y'all must guide maintain faced number along @Override annotation where compiler complains fifty-fifty if y'all override interface method as well as exclusively laid upwards was either take all @Override annotation from interface method or shift to Java source 1.6 from compiler settings.

You should ever purpose @Override musical note whenever application, suggested yesteryear Google's Java best exercise guide equally well. @Override is legal inwards next cases :

  1. When a degree method is overriding a super-class method.
  2. When a degree method is implementing an interface method.
  3. When an interface method respecifying a super-interface method.

Only place, where y'all don't desire to purpose @Override is when the nurture method is @Deprecated.

That's all on @Override annotation inwards Java. It's ane of the best Java coding exercise to purpose @Override annotation piece overriding whatever method from super degree or interface.

Further Learning
Complete Java Masterclass
Top 10 JDBC best practices for Java programmer
20 pattern pattern interview questions for Java developers

Sumber https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/

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