Ora-00904: Invalid Identifier Fault Inwards Oracle 11G Database - Solved

If yous receive got worked inwards Oracle database ever, yous would definitely receive got seen ORA-00904: invalid identifier error. Doesn't thing which version yous are working 10g, 11g or 12g, this is i of the most mutual error comes piece doing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, together with Delete) operations inwards Oracle. By the way, if yous are beginner, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE together with DELETE are used to perform CRUD functioning inwards Oracle database. What practice yous practice if yous acquire this error piece running inwards SQL script? Like whatever error, yous should showtime pay attending to error message, what is Oracle trying to say here. Invalid identifier agency the column nurture entered is either missing or invalid, this is i of the most mutual induce of this error but non the alone one. Some fourth dimension it come upwardly if yous utilisation names, which happened to move reserved give-and-take inwards Oracle database. Now how practice yous resolve it?  We volition acquire inwards this article, yesteryear next serial of examples which showtime reproduce this error together with afterwards advise how to ready it.

In short, hither is the induce together with solution of "ORA-00904: invalid identifier error"
Cause : Column nurture inwards error is either missing or invalid.
Action : Enter a valid column name. In Oracle database, a valid column nurture must get amongst a letter, move less than or equal to thirty characters, together with consist of alone alphanumeric characters together with the particular characters $, _, together with #. If it contains other characters, together with thence it must move enclosed inwards double quotation marks. It may non move a reserved word.

Some reasons of "ORA-00904: invalid identifier error"

If yous desire to sympathise whatever error, move it NullPointerException inwards Java or this error inwards Oracle, yous must showtime know how to reproduce it. Until yous know the existent cause, which yous would if yous tin reproduce it regularly, yous won't move able to sympathise the solution. This is why, I receive got listed downward about mutual scenarios where I receive got seen this error. Here are about examples which may atomic number 82 to ORA-00904 or "invalid identifier" inwards Oracle 10g database.

Reason 1: Due to extra comma at final column

Yes, an extra comma at the cease of practice tabular array contestation tin induce "ORA-00904 or "invalid identifier" . This is yesteryear far most mutual argue of this dreaded error and I receive got seen developers spent hours to abide by out together with fixed this light-headed mistake. This sort of mistakes creeps inwards because of classic re-create together with glue culture. For instance if yous are copying column Definition from about other table's DDL contestation together with if the said column is non the final i yous volition also re-create comma, together with if yous seat it every bit final column inwards your DDL contestation yous volition meet "ORA-00904: invalid identifier" because after comma Oracle await about other column declaration. Interesting role is, your heed volition start focusing on column names of residuum of column together with start wondering what's wrong because they all expression expert together with and thence most developer volition start doing foreign things, it's hard to meet that final comma inwards a large DDL contestation amongst lots of column together with constraints. For example, hither is how practice yous reproduce this error

CREATE TABLE DBA (  ID      NUMBER,  NAME    VARCHAR2(50),  SALARY  NUMBER,    // ' Dont seat comma at final column annunciation ' );
If yous run this inwards SQLFiddle against Oracle 11g database, yous volition acquire "Schema Creation Failed: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier".

 If yous receive got worked inwards Oracle database always ORA-00904: invalid identifier Error inwards Oracle 11g database - Solved

By the way, it's tardily to location that error inwards uncomplicated tabular array annunciation similar above, how almost this tabular array declaration
CREATE TABLE Items (  itemId NUMBER(10),  CONSTRAINT primary_pk PRIMARY KEY (itemId),  itemname VARCHAR2(100),  catogoryId NUMBER(10),  CONSTRAINT subcategory_fk FOREIGN KEY (catogoryId ) REFERENCES itemSubCategory(catogoryId ),  companyId VARCHAR2(20),  CONSTRAINT company_fk FOREIGN KEY(companyId ) REFERENCES CompanyInfo(companyId ),  description VARCHAR2(1000),  supplierId VARCHAR2(20),  CONSTRAINT supplier_fk FOREIGN KEY(supplierId ) REFERENCES SupplierInfo(supplierId ),  cost FLOAT,  quantity NUMBER(10), );
It's slightly hard to location comma inwards final column declaration, but inwards existent globe tabular array annunciation is much much bigger amongst lots of constraints together with column names. It's improve to explicitly depository fiscal establishment gibe the final column annunciation rather than finding it piece running query against database.

Reason ii : Due to Reserved keyword every bit Column name

If yous run next query at SQLFiddle (a website where yous tin endeavour SQL query online on whatever database) yous volition meet the error Schema Creation Failed: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier. The argue our schema creation failed because AUDIT is a reserved give-and-take inwards Oracle 11g R2. Unfortunately SQLFiddle doesn't plough over to a greater extent than details similar SQLDeveloper, Toad or whatever ascendance delineate of piece of occupation tool similar Oracle SQL Plus client e.g. if yous run the same instance inwards SQL client, yous volition meet something similar :
SQL> CREATE TABLE DBA   2  (   3     ID      NUMBER,   4     NAME    VARCHAR2(50),   5     AUDIT VARCHAR2(1000)   6  );   AUDIT VARCHAR2(1000)  * ERROR at line 5: ORA-00904: invalid identifier
It's much easier to abide by out culprit inwards this case, every bit yous receive got delineate of piece of occupation number together with Oracle is giving yous plenty hint that AUDIT is invalid identifier. It doesn't tell yous explicitly that it's a reserved keyword. By the way, yous don't postulate to know all reserved keyword on exceed of your head, yous tin also ways expression at next link (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e26088/ap_keywd001.htm#SQLRF55621) to meet if that "invalid identifier" error is due to reserved keyword. Some of the keyword which developer oftentimes mistakenly utilisation every bit column names are COMMENT, CHECK, EXCLUSIVE, INITIAL, LEVEL, ONLINE, PRIOR, RESOURCE, SHARE together with SUCCESSFUL.

ORA-00904: invalid identifier While Inserting information into Table

Apart from tabular array creation, yous volition meet error "ORA-00904: invalid identifier" if yous utilisation wrong column nurture inwards INSERT contestation or utilisation a non-existent column name. Most of the fourth dimension it happens because of typo, but about other fourth dimension it could move due to parallel update e.g. soul changed the schema of tabular array together with renamed or dropped the column yous are referring inwards INSERT query. hither is an instance of ORA-00904: invalid identifier piece inserting information into table
SQL> insert into DBA values (102, 'Mohan', 10500); //Ok  SQL> insert into DBA(ID, NAME, SALARY) values (101, 'John',  10000); //Ok  SQL> insert into DBA(ID, NAME, SALARY, DEPT_ID) values (101, 'John',  10000, 1); // Not Ok ORA-00904: "DEPT_ID": invalid identifier : insert into DBA(ID, NAME, SALARY, DEPT_ID) values (101, 'John', 10000, 1)
You tin meet that Oracle database complains almost "DEPT_ID" column every bit invalid identifier because in that location is no such column exists inwards our DBA table.

ORA-00904: invalid identifier due to accessing non-existing column inwards SELECT

This is the obvious one, if yous endeavour to access an invalid column from a tabular array inwards SELECT query, yous volition acquire ORA-00904: invalid identifier. For example, if yous receive got next tabular array :

together with yous endeavour to execute next SQL SELECT Query :
You volition acquire next error "ORA-00904: "DEPT_ID": invalid identifier" because in that location is no DEPT_ID column inwards DBA table.

ORA-00904: invalid identifier error because or wrong column nurture inwards UPDATE query

Just similar previous example, yous volition acquire this error if yous utilisation wrong or non-existing column nurture inwards your UPDATE statement. In next example, nosotros are trying DEPT_ID column which doesn't exists inwards DBA table, that's why ORA-00904: invalid identifier error
SQL> UPDATE DBA set DEPT_ID=1 where ID=101; ORA-00904: "DEPT_ID": invalid identifier : UPDATE DBA set DEPT_ID=1 where ID=101
You tin meet that error nicely betoken out that DEPT_ID is invalid column.

Reason v : Due to wrong column nurture inwards DELETE query

Similarly to previous instance of SELECT together with UPDATE query, yous volition also human face upwardly "ORA-00904: invalid identifier" if yous plough over wrong column nurture inwards DELETE statements. It could move due to typo or because or recent update inwards schema which dropped the column yous are using inwards your DELETE clause.
SQL> DELETE FROM DBA WHERE ID=101;  // Ok  SQL> DELETE FROM DBA WHERE DEPT_ID=1;  // Not Ok, ORA-00904: invalid identifier ORA-00904: "DEPT_ID": invalid identifier : delete from DBA where DEPT_ID=1
You tin meet that Oracle gives yous hint that "DEPT_ID" is invalid identifier because in that location is no such column inwards DBA table.

How to Avoid Invalid Identifier Error inwards Oracle database

ORA-00904 tin precisely move avoided yesteryear using the valid column nurture inwards DDL similar CREATE or ALTER statement. Also for DML statements similar SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT together with DELETE, ORA-00904 tin move avoided yesteryear using right column nurture together with doing 4 optic depository fiscal establishment gibe to grab whatever typo. If yous are preparing SQL script to run on production database, brand certain yous seek these queries on production re-create of database earlier running it straight on alive database. You should also receive got procedure to practice 4 optic depository fiscal establishment gibe together with review to avoid such errors.

Similarly if yous are creating a tabular array brand certain yous utilisation a valid column nurture inwards your schema. H5N1 valid column nurture inwards Oracle database

  • Must get amongst a letter.
  • Can non move of to a greater extent than than thirty characters.
  • Must move made upwardly of alphanumeric characters
  • May incorporate next particular characters: $, _, together with #.
  • If the column nurture uses whatever other characters, it must move enclosed inwards double quotation marks.
  • Can non move a reserved word.
That's all almost how to ready ORA-00904: invalid identifier error inwards Oracle 11g database. ORA-00904 is a real uncomplicated issue. ORA-00904 may occur when nosotros endeavour to practice or alter a tabular array amongst invalid column name. It also may occur when nosotros endeavour to reference a non existing column inwards a select / insert / update / delete statement. So precisely holler back the tips together with solution nosotros receive got shared here, it volition aid yous to speedily troubleshoot together with ready this error.

Further Learning
Oracle Database 12c Fundamentals By Tim Warner
Oracle PL/SQL Fundamentals vol. I & II
The Complete SQL Bootcamp

Sumber https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/

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