How To Uncovering Ip Address From Hostname Inward Windows Linux Together With Unix

IP Address from hostname inwards Windows in addition to Linux
How many times inwards a twenty-four hr menstruum yous convey a hostname in addition to yous desire to know the IP address? Host advert to IP address in addition to IP address to hostname conversion is ane of frequent affair which nosotros demand to exercise for many things when dealing amongst networking ascendancy inwards Unix. For ane ascendancy nosotros demand an IP address for other nosotros demand hostname fifty-fifty from bash script sometimes nosotros require hostname in addition to sometimes nosotros await for IP address. networking commands are non as pop as find command or grep command but they are every bit of import in addition to if yous working inwards Windows or UNIX surround yous must larn them in addition to they should as good last included inwards whatsoever listing of Unix commands for beginners. By the way, In this hostname to IP address tutorial, I volition demonstrate yous how to acquire IP address from hostname or estimator advert inwards Unix or Linux in addition to how to acquire hostname if yous convey IP address. If yous are looking a agency to exercise it via Java programme therefore yous tin laissez passer on the axe as good run across my postal service how to notice IP address of localhost inwards Java.

Finding IP address from hostname inwards UNIX in addition to Linux

IP Address from hostname inwards Windows in addition to Linux How to notice IP Address from hostname inwards Windows Linux in addition to UnixIf yous are working inwards UNIX network in addition to convey lots of machine inwards LAN (Local Area network),  many times yous desire to know IP address of computers from hostname. Here are exceed 4 ways of getting IP address from hostname inwards Linux or UNIX machine

1) IP address using hostname ascendancy inwards Unix/Linux

/hostname -i

This is the easiest agency of finding IP address of your estimator but limitation is that quondam this selection may or may non available inwards your UNIX machine e.g. I hardly notice this ascendancy on Solaris in addition to IBM AIX machines but they are generally available on Linux Servers. as good limitation of hostname is that yous tin laissez passer on the axe non notice IP address of whatsoever other machine. It's similar finding IP address of localhost.

2) IP address using ping ascendancy inwards UNIX or Linux

stock_trader@system: /test ping trading_system
Pinging [] amongst 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

ping is  about other simplest agency of finding IP address of localhost or whatsoever other host inwards network, if yous know the hostname or computer-name only ping in addition to it volition display IP address associated amongst it. Normally pint ascendancy is used to cheque if a host is last in addition to connected amongst network. In to a higher house instance IP address associated amongst trading_system is "". Disadvantage of using ping ascendancy is that yous can non convert IP address dorsum to hostname.

3) IP address using nslookup ascendancy inwards UNIX or Linux

stock_trader@system: /test nslookup trading_system

nslookup is my favorite ascendancy for getting IP address cast hostname, its real powerful in addition to as good available inwards many UNIX operating organisation e.g. Linux , Solaris, IBM AIX, Ubuntu or BSD. Another wages of  nslookup command is that , nosotros tin laissez passer on the axe acquire either from hostname to IP address or from IP address to hostname. It tin laissez passer on the axe as good last used to notice IP address of your ain host or whatsoever other machine inwards the network. In to a higher house instance of nslookup nosotros convey displayed IP address associated amongst trading_system. If yous desire to find hostname cast IP address yous tin laissez passer on the axe only supply IP address instead of hostname

4) How to notice IP address using ifconfig command

ifconfig is about other networking utility inwards UNIX or Linux which tin laissez passer on the axe last used to notice IP address of your UNIX machine. ifconfig shows lot of information therefore I just grep on inet to notice the IP address inwards below example, IP address associate amongst "" is "". $ /sbin/ifconfig -a | grep inet
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast

IP Address from hostname inwards Windows Linux in addition to Unix

How to notice IP address of your estimator inwards Windows

Surprisingly about of to a higher house instance of finding IP address from hostname volition operate is windows ditto. You tin laissez passer on the axe purpose ping in addition to nslookup inwards just same agency as shown above. Even hostname ascendancy is available inwards windows ascendancy prompt but I doubtfulness nearly options "hostname -i". Another alter is inwards command  ifconfig , instead of  ifconfig windows uses  ipconfig  ascendancy to notice out the IP address of your estimator inwards windows.

1) How of purpose ipconfig ascendancy inwards windows to notice IP address
Here is an instance of using ipconfig ascendancy inwards windows to notice out IP address of our computer:

C:\Documents in addition to Settings\stock_trader>ipconfig
Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

How to notice external IP address of your network or computer

All to a higher house instance volition demonstrate your internal IP address if yous are within a LAN. If yous convey connected amongst cyberspace in addition to desire to know your external IP address assigned past times your service provider at that spot are lots of website which volition allow yous know your IP address e.g. just logging into this site in addition to it volition demonstrate yous your IP address in addition to location. If yous convey an IP address in addition to wanted to know nearly place yous tin laissez passer on the axe as good acquire it from internet.

That’s it from me on these squeamish lilliputian tips of converting IP address to hostname in addition to than dorsum from hostname to IP address. Let me know if yous convey about other ways to notice IP address in addition to hostname of local machine in addition to remote machine.


Further Learning
Linux Command Line Basics
How to better speed in addition to productivity inwards Unix


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