How Substring Method Plant Inwards Coffee - Retention Leak Fixed Inwards Jdk 1.7

Substring method from String class is 1 of most used method inward Java, together with it's also business office of an interesting String interview question  e.g. How substring industrial plant inward Java or sometime asked every bit how does substring creates retention leak inward Java. In guild to reply these questions, you lot noesis of  implementation details is required. Recently 1 of my friend was drilled on substring method inward Java during a Java interview, he was using substring() method from long time, together with of course of report all of us has used this, but what surprises him was interviewer's obsession on Java substring, together with deep dive till the implementation level. Though String is a particular shape inward Java, together with plain of report of many interview questions e.g. Why char array is amend than String for storing password . In this instance it was, substring method, which took oculus stage. Most of us rather but purpose substring(..), together with than forgot. Not every Java programmer become into code, together with run across how precisely it's working. To instruct a experience of how his interview was let's start .

Update:  This effect was genuinely a põrnikas,  which is fixed inward substring implementation of Java 7. Now, Instead of sharing master copy grapheme array, substring method creates a re-create of it. In short, substring method alone retains every bit much data, every bit it needed. Thanks to Yves Gillet for pointing this. As but about of my readers pointed out, java.lang.String class has also grown into but about alter inward Java 1.7 version together with offset together with count variable which is used to runway positions are removed from String. This may salvage but about bytes amongst each String instance, but non sharing master copy array makes substring perform linearly, every bit compared to constant fourth dimension previously. Anyway, it's worth to withdraw whatever string related retention leak inward Java. Having said that, if you lot receive got non yet upgraded your Server to Java vii together with all the same working on Java 1.6 updates, this is 1 thing, which is worth knowing.
Question starts amongst normal chit chat, together with Interviewer ask,  "Have you lot used substring method inward Java", together with my friend proudly said Yes, lot many times, which brings a smiling on interviewer's face. He says well, that’s good. Next query was Can you lot explicate what does substring do? My friend got an chance to present off his talent, together with how much he knows nearly Java API;  He said substring method is used to instruct parts of String inward Java. It’s defined inward java.lang.String class, together with it's an overloaded method. One version of substring method takes but beginIndex, and returns business office of String started from beginIndex till end, acre other takes ii parameters, beginIndex and endIndex, and returns part  of String starting from beginIndex to endIndex-1. He also stressed that every fourth dimension you lot call  substring() method inward Java,  it volition furnish a novel String because String is immutable inward Java.

Next query was, what volition move on if beginIndex is equal to length inward substring(int beginIndex), no it won't throw IndexOutOfBoundException instead it volition furnish empty String. Same is the instance when beginIndex and endIndex is equal, inward instance of minute method. It volition alone throw StringIndexBoundException when beginIndex is negative, larger than endIndex or larger than length of String.

So far together with thence good, my friend was happy together with interview seems going good, until Interviewee asked him,  Do you lot know how substring industrial plant inward Java? Most of Java developers neglect here, because they don't know how precisely substring method works, until they receive got non seen the code of java.lang.String. If you lot await substring method within String class, you lot volition figure out that it calls String (int offset, int count, char value []) constructor to create novel String object. What is interesting hither is, value[], which is the same grapheme array used to stand upwards for master copy string. So what's incorrect amongst this?

In instance If you lot receive got all the same non figured it out, If the master copy string is really long, together with has array of size 1GB, no affair how modest a substring is, it volition concur 1GB array.  This volition also halt master copy string to hold upwards garbage collected, inward instance if doesn't receive got whatever alive reference. This is clear instance of retention leak inward Java, where retention is retained fifty-fifty if it's non required. That's how substring method creates memory leak.
 How substring industrial plant inward Java or sometime asked every bit how does substring creates retention leak i How SubString method industrial plant inward Java - Memory Leak Fixed inward JDK 1.7

How SubString inward Java works

Obviously side past times side query from interviewer would be,  how practise you lot bargain amongst this problem? Though you lot tin non go, together with alter Java substring method, you lot tin all the same brand but about run around, inward instance you lot are creating substring of pregnant longer String. Simple solution is to trim back the string, together with boot the bucket along size of grapheme array according to length of substring. Luckily java.lang.String has constructor to practise this, every bit shown inward below example.

// comma separated stock symbols from NYSE String listOfStockSymbolsOnNYSE = getStockSymbolsForNYSE();   //calling String(string) constructor String apple tree = new String( 
               listOfStockSymbolsOnNYSE.substring(appleStartIndex, appleEndIndex)

If you lot await code on java.lang.String class, you lot volition run across that this constructor trim back the array, if it’s bigger than String itself.

public String(String original) {         ...          if (originalValue.length > size) {             // The array representing the String is bigger than the new             // String itself.  Perhaps this constructor is existence called             // inward guild to trim back the baggage, together with thence brand a re-create of the array.             int off = original.offset;             v = Arrays.copyOfRange(originalValue, off, off+size);          } else {              // The array representing the String is the same             // size every bit the String, together with thence no signal inward making a copy.             v = originalValue;         }     ...  }
Another agency to solve this work is to telephone telephone intern() method on substring, which volition than fetch an existing string from puddle or add together it if necessary. Since the String inward the puddle is a existent string it alone receive got infinite every bit much it requires. It’s also worth noting that sub-strings are non internalized, when you lot telephone telephone intern() method on master copy String. Most developer successfully answers outset 3 questions, which is related to usage of substring, but they instruct stuck on terminal two, How substring creates retention leak or How substring works. It's non completely in that place fault, because what you lot know is that every fourth dimension substring() returns novel String which is non precisely true, since it’s backed past times same character array.

Further Learning
Data Structures together with Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java
Difference betwixt StringBuffer together with StringBuilder


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