Difference Betwixt Sendredirect() Together With Forward() Inward Jsp Servlet

Difference betwixt SendRedirect in addition to forrad is i of classical interview questions asked during coffee spider web developer interview. This is non but applicable for servlet but too for JSP inward which nosotros tin mail away role forrad activeness or telephone yell upwards sendRedirect() method from scriptlet. Before examining departure on forrad in addition to SendRedirect let’s meet what mail Redirect method in addition to forrad method does.

SendRedirect ():  

This method is declared inward HttpServletResponse Interface.

Signature: void sendRedirect(String url)

Difference betwixt SendRedirect in addition to forrad is i of classical interview questions asked  Difference betwixt SendRedirect() in addition to Forward() inward JSP ServletThis method is used to redirect customer asking to unopen to other place for farther processing ,the novel place is available on unlike server or unlike context.our spider web container grip this in addition to transfer the asking using  browser ,and this asking is visible inward browser equally a novel request. Some fourth dimension this is too called equally customer side redirect.

This method is declared inward RequestDispatcher Interface.
Signature: forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)

This method is used to transcend the asking to unopen to other resources for farther processing within the same server, unopen to other resources could survive whatsoever servlet, jsp page whatsoever sort of file.This procedure is taken tending past times spider web container when nosotros telephone yell upwards forrad method asking is sent to unopen to other resources without the customer beingness informed, which resources volition grip the asking it has been cite on requestDispatcher object which nosotros tin mail away larn past times 2 ways either using ServletContext or Request. This is too called server side redirect.

RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("pathToResource");
  rd.forward(request, response);


RequestDispatcher rd = servletContext.getRequestDispatcher("/pathToResource");
  rd.forward(request, response);

Difference betwixt SendRedirect in addition to Forward

Now let’s meet unopen to departure betwixt these 2 method of servlet API inward tabular format.

When nosotros role forrad method asking is transfer to other resources within the same server for farther processing.
In illustration of sendRedirect asking is transfer to unopen to other resources to unlike domain or unlike server for futher processing.

In illustration of forrad Web container grip all procedure internally in addition to customer or browser is non involved.

When you lot role SendRedirect container transfers the asking to customer or browser thence url given within the sendRedirect method is visible equally a novel asking to the client.

When forrad is called on requestdispather object nosotros transcend asking in addition to reply object thence our quondam asking object is introduce on novel resources which is going to procedure our request

In illustration of SendRedirect telephone yell upwards quondam asking in addition to reply object is lost because it’s treated equally novel asking past times the browser.
Visually nosotros are non able to meet the forwarded address, its is transparent
In address bar nosotros are able to meet the novel redirected address it’s non transparent.

Using forrad () method is faster in addition to thence mail redirect.
SendRedirect is slower because i extra circular trip is required beasue completely novel asking is created in addition to quondam asking object is lost.Two browser asking requird.

When nosotros redirect using forrad in addition to nosotros desire to role same information inward novel resources nosotros tin mail away role request.setAttribute () equally nosotros guide keep asking object available.
But inward sendRedirect if nosotros desire to role nosotros guide keep to shop the information inward session or transcend along amongst the URL.

Example of forrad in addition to SendRedirect inward JSP Servlet:

Any sort of online payment when nosotros role merchant site volition redirect us to cyberspace banking site which is completely novel asking it procedure our asking in addition to in i lawsuit to a greater extent than redirect to merchant site?

In Banking Application when nosotros create login unremarkably nosotros role forrad method. In illustration of online banking nosotros are asked for username in addition to password if it’s a right unopen to some other servlet or resources volition grip the asking other wise asking has been forwarded to mistake page.

Which i is good?

Its depends upon the scenario that which method is to a greater extent than useful.

If you lot desire command is transfer to novel server or context in addition to it is treated equally completely novel task in addition to thence nosotros become for Send Redirect.
Normally forrad should survive used if the performance tin mail away survive safely repeated upon a browser reload of the spider web page volition non touching on the result.

SendRedirect in addition to forrad method are nonetheless real useful field programming or working on whatsoever spider web application projection using servlet jsp. This is nonetheless a pop interview questions thence don’t forget to revise forward in addition to sendRedirect earlier appearing for whatsoever chore interview.

Further Learning
Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru
Key differences betwixt Vector in addition to ArrayList inward java

Sumber https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/

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