Difference Betwixt Hashmap As Well As Hashset Inward Java
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
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HashMap vs HashSet is the most oft asked inquiry during whatever core coffee interview and interview is non said completed until they volition non encompass the Collection Framework and multi-threading interview in addition to collections are uncompleted without Covering Hash Set in addition to HashMap.
Both HashMap in addition to HashSet are business office of collection framework which allows us to operate amongst a collection of objects. Collection Framework has their ain interfaces in addition to implementation classes. Basically, a collection is divided every bit Set Interface, List, in addition to Queue Interfaces. All these interfaces possess got their ain belongings likewise apart from they larn from a collection similar Set allows Collection of objects merely forbids duplicate value, List allows duplicate along amongst indexing.Queue plant on FCFS algorithm.
First, nosotros possess got ane await on What HashMap in addition to HashSet are in addition to hence volition locomote for Differences betwixt HashSet in addition to HashMap
What is HashSet inwards Java?
public boolean add(Object o) Method is used to add together an chemical ingredient inwards a laid upward which returns faux if it’s a duplicate value inwards representative of HashSet otherwise returns truthful if added successfully.
What is HashMap?
HashMap is an implementation of Map Interface, which maps a telephone substitution to value.Duplicate keys are non allowed inwards a map.Basically map Interface has ii implementation classes HashMap in addition to TreeMap the principal divergence is TreeMap maintains lodge of the objects merely HashMap volition not.HashMap allows nil values in addition to nil keys.HashMap is non synchronized,but collection framework furnish methods hence that nosotros tin brand them synchronized if multiple threads are going to access our hashmap in addition to ane thread structurally changes our map.
public Object put(Object Key,Object value) method is used to add together an chemical ingredient inwards the map.
You tin read to a greater extent than almost HashMap inwards my article How HashMap plant inwards Java in addition to Difference betwixt HashMap in addition to hashtable inwards Java
Difference betwixt HashSet in addition to HashMap inwards Java
Following are around differences betwixt HashMap in addition to HashSet:
HashMap | Hash Set |
HashMap is an implementation of Map interface | HashSet is an implementation of Set Interface |
HashMap Stores information inwards shape of key-value pair | HashSet Store exclusively objects |
Put method is used to add together chemical ingredient inwards map | Add method is used to add together chemical ingredient is Set |
In hash map hashcode value is calculated using telephone substitution object | Here fellow member object is used for calculating hashcode value which tin last same for ii objects hence equal () method is used to banking concern tally for equality if it returns faux that agency ii objects are different. |
HashMap is faster than HashSet because unique telephone substitution is used to access object | HashSet is slower than Hashmap |
Please allow me know if yous demand whatever other divergence betwixt HashSet in addition to HashMap inwards Java in addition to I volition add together them here.
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