How To Alter Tomcat Default Port 8080

Tomcat default port is 8080 but many times other Java application besides uses 8080 similar whatsoever other web-server Resin or Jetty together with starting tomcat may lawsuit inward already inward use: JVM_Bind 8080. In social club to avoid this exception you tin sack change default port of tomcat from 8080 to to a greater extent than or less other port e.g. 8081 or 8082. Though don't modify to tomcat port which is probable to travel used yesteryear tomcat itself e.g. 8443 is used yesteryear tomcat https port. Use port which is almost probable to travel free. In this tomcat tutorial nosotros volition run into how to modify default port 8080 for http protocol inward tomcat together with port 8443 port for https protocol inward tomcat.

How to modify Tomcat default port 8080

Step yesteryear pace guide to modify tomcat default port 8080

 but many times other Java application besides uses  How to modify Tomcat default port 8080Here is pace yesteryear pace guide to modify tomcat default port 8080

Step 1:
Find out tomcat server.xml its by together with large inward "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\conf". This is tomcat installation directory together with could travel unlike on your figurer based on tomcat version. But of import indicate is server.xml volition travel within conf folder

Step 2:
Tomcat uses Connector chemical component to specify port numbers, exactly locate the relevant Connector chemical component inward Server.xml which is configured to listening on port 8080. You tin sack create this yesteryear using UNIX grep command on 8080 or merely abide by next text:

    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

This Statement is proverb that tomcat is listening on 8080 port.

Step 3:
Change default tomcat port from 8080 to 8081 or 8082 inward Server.xml file of tomcat

    <Connector port="8082" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

Now tomcat volition nous on Port 8082 instead of deafult port 8080.

4. save your changes on server.xml file together with restart tomcat spider web server. It volition get-go listening on port 8082 instead on default port 8080.

5. Type http://localhost:8082 inward your browser you lot should run into tomcat start-up page; it agency your tomcat server is configured to nous http traffic on 8082 instead of default 8080.

How to modify tomcat default port for SSL or https

Now you lot know how to modify tomcat default port 8080 for http traffic you lot tin sack besides modify default ssl port 8443 which is used yesteryear https protocol. Just abide by out relevant department of connector chemical component using grep or find command together with modify the port from 8443 to 8553 or something else.

How to modify default SHUTDOWN Port of Tomcat

Tomcat spider web server has a concept of SHUTDOWN port, this is the port on which tomcat web-server nous for SHUTDOWN signal. This is to a greater extent than or less other cause of Address already inward use: JVM_Bind:8005 because sometime other application besides listens on same default SHUTDOWN port 8005.
Just similar default tomcat port you lot tin sack besides modify tomcat SHUTDOWN port together with hither is a pace yesteryear pace illustration

Step: 1 Find out SHUTDOWN Section inward Server.xml
Use abide by or grep ascendancy to abide by give-and-take "SHUTDOWN" which volition convey you lot to:

<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN"/>

Now just modify the SHUTDOWN port from 8005 to whatsoever other port you lot want.

That’s all on how to modify tomcat default port from 8080 for both http together with https. Let me know if you lot facial expression upwards whatsoever work spell changing default tomcat port.

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