How To Discovery A Procedure Listening On A Specific Port Inward Linux? Netstat In Addition To Lsof Ascendence Examples

In Linux, many times, y'all desire to find out the PID of a procedure which is listening on a port e.g. if multiple tomcat servers are running on a host in addition to y'all create got to kill that process, but inward fellowship to kill that procedure y'all require the procedure id, how produce y'all notice the PID of the tomcat listening on port 8080? There are many Linux commands to notice the procedure using a specific port, but I'll portion what I use. I e'er usage the netstat dominance amongst -p option, which displays procedure id of the procedure listening on a port. Btw, netstat is non the alone dominance to find all processes using a detail port, y'all tin forcefulness out besides usage the lsof command for the same purpose.

If y'all remember, nosotros create got used lsof before to notice all the processes accessing a file but it tin forcefulness out besides endure used to notice all processes accessing a specific port.

You volition run across the instance of both netstat and lsof commands inward this article to notice the PID of procedure listening on a specific port inward Linux.

On the related note, it's really of import for a Java developer to larn nearly the Linux operating organisation in addition to commands. The to a greater extent than y'all know nearly the Linux Operating organisation in addition to dissimilar musical rhythm out e.g. bash, csh or ksh, the meliorate y'all tin forcefulness out back upwardly your Java application.

That's why it's of import to bring together a course of teaching like Linux Command Line Basics, which provides an splendid introduction of essential musical rhythm out commands inward Linux. It volition non alone help y'all to larn nearly telephone substitution of Linux OS but besides all of import commands y'all require to locomote efficiently inward Linux.

Netstat dominance to notice the PID of procedure listening on a port

So to notice the PID of your Java server listening on port 8080, y'all tin forcefulness out usage the next Linux command:

$ netstat -nap | grep 8080 (Not all processes could endure identified, non-owned procedure information volition non endure shown, y'all would create got to endure root to run across it all.) tcp 0 0* LISTEN 25414/java

hither y'all go, 25414 is the PID  or procedure id of your tomcat server. Since tomcat is a Java spider web application it started amongst java dominance in addition to that's why y'all run across 25414/java.

Remember, if y'all are non logged inward every bit root or the user nether which your server is running, y'all powerfulness run across next error:

No information could endure read for "-p": geteuid()=XXX but y'all should endure root

If y'all run across this error, in addition to hence but sudo every bit the user which is running the tomcat. If y'all know how Linux works, then y'all tin forcefulness out solve this fault pretty speedily but if y'all don't in addition to hence y'all volition create got a difficult time.

find out the PID of a procedure which is listening on a port How to notice a Process Listening on a Specific Port inward Linux? netstat in addition to lsof dominance examples

lsof dominance instance to notice the processes using a specific port

Here is the instance of the lsof command to listing the procedure listening on a port.

$ lsof -i :8080 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAME coffee 25414 appuser 44u IPv4 3733348 TCP *:XXX (LISTEN)

but yell upwardly to -i option in addition to colon (:) before the port like: 8080.

Btw, if y'all don't notice the lsof command inward your PATH, search inward /usr/sbin, to a greater extent than oftentimes /usr/sbin is non added into user's PATH. In that y'all tin forcefulness out run the dominance every bit shown below:

$ /usr/sbin/lsof -i :8080 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAME coffee 25414 appuser 44u IPv4 3733348 TCP *:XXX (LISTEN)

It volition display the same result.

Btw, if y'all similar the lsof dominance in addition to interested inward learning its other application, y'all should banking corporation jibe my post service 10 ways to usage the lsof dominance inward Linux. You tin forcefulness out besides create got a await at below diagram past times Julia Evans which effectively summarise the diverse options of lsof dominance inward Linux:

find out the PID of a procedure which is listening on a port How to notice a Process Listening on a Specific Port inward Linux? netstat in addition to lsof dominance examples


Here is the summary of how to notice the procedure listening on a detail port inward UNIX:

grep, fifty-fifty if y'all but laissez passer on PID it volition fetch the trouble from netstat output in addition to hence I tin forcefulness out acquire the port on which a detail procedure is listening. Anyway, I volition demonstrate y'all a twain of to a greater extent than tricks to notice the port on which a detail port is listening inward side past times side tutorial.

Further Learning
Linux Command Line Basics
  • How to telephone band REST spider web service from UNIX dominance line? (command)
  • 10 examples of grep dominance inward UNIX (examples)
  • The divergence betwixt the soft link in addition to difficult link inward Linux? (answer)
  • 10 examples of appointment dominance inward Linux (examples)
  • How to get an IP address from a hostname in addition to vice-versa inward Linux (command)
  • 10 examples of tar dominance inward UNIX (examples)
  • How to delete empty files in addition to directory inward UNIX (solution)
  • 10 examples of Vim inward UNIX (examples)
  • How to create, update in addition to delete soft link inward UNIX (command)
  • 5 examples of form dominance inward Linux (examples)
  • How to brand directory tree inward ane command? (example)
  • 10 examples of chmod command inward UNIX (examples)
  • UNIX dominance to notice out how long a procedure is running? (answer)
  • 5 examples of kill dominance inward Linux (examples)
  • How to how long declaration of a procedure inward Solaris (command)
  • 10 examples of xargs command inward Linux (examples)
  • UNIX dominance to notice the size of file in addition to directory? (command)
  • 10 tips to locomote fast inward UNIX? (tips)

  • Thanks for reading this article hence far. If y'all similar this Linux tutorial in addition to notice the information useful delight portion amongst your friends in addition to colleagues. If y'all create got whatsoever questions or feedback in addition to hence delight drib a note.


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