How To Abide By Length Of String Inward Sql Server? Len() Part Example

One of the most mutual chore patch writing SQL queries or stored physical care for is to uncovering the length of String. Since most of the columns are VARCHAR, you lot frequently require to uncovering the length earlier taking whatever action. In Java, you lot tin uncovering the length of String yesteryear using the length() method exactly how most SQL Server? How volition you lot uncovering the length of String inwards Microsoft SQL Server inwards full general too Microsoft SQL Server 2016 inwards particular? Well, you lot tin purpose the LEN() business office to uncovering the length of a String value inwards SQL Server, for example, LEN(emp_name) volition laissez passer on you lot the length of values stored inwards the column emp_name. This method exists from SQL Server 2008 onwards which agency you lot tin purpose this business office inwards SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016 too latest version of Microsoft SQL Server i.e. SQL Server 2017.

Btw, you lot should think that this is unlike than the length of the actual column which you lot specify patch creating tabular array e.g. emp_name VARCHAR(60).

To laissez passer on you lot an example, you lot conduct keep a column called emp_name VARCHAR(60), which agency the length of this column is 60 characters, it tin concur names amongst maximum threescore characters long, exactly non all names are threescore characters long, thus you lot may require to uncovering the length of actual String at times.

 In this SQL Server tutorial, I volition instruct you lot how to purpose the LEN() business office to uncovering out actual length or release of graphic symbol inwards a VARCHAR or CHAR field.

This business office is likewise explained inwards item inwards my favorite course of educational activity Microsoft SQL for Beginners yesteryear Brewster Knowlton on Udemy, ane of the best course of educational activity to larn SQL Server too T-SQL from a beginners indicate of view.

 One of the most mutual chore patch writing SQL queries or stored physical care for is to uncovering the  How to uncovering Length of String inwards SQL Server? LEN() Function Example

LEN() business office Example inwards SQL Server 2014

If you lot desire to uncovering out all names which are less than 10 characters than you lot tin purpose LEN() business office similar next SQL query:

SELECT emp_name from Employee where LEN(emp_name) < 10

This volition provide all employee whose cite is less than 10 character. LEN() is a rattling useful method, it takes column cite too returns the length of values stored inwards that column.

Let's come across a span of to a greater extent than instance of LEN() business office inwards SQL Server 2008 too 2014:

1) Write an SQL query to uncovering out all employees whose cite is greater than 10 characters exactly less than fifty character

SELECT cite from Employee where LEN(name) > 10 and LEN(name) < 50

You tin likewise apply conditional logic using a CASE statement to practise unlike things based upon unlike length e.g. you lot tin shorten long cite yesteryear appending "..." at the terminate of String.

SELECT CASE WHEN LEN (emp_name) <= 50  THEN emp_name ELSE LEFT(emp_name, 60) + '...' END As emp_name FROM Employee

So think to use LEN() business office inwards SQL Server to uncovering out the length of whatever String stored inwards VARCHAR column. It doesn't require to hold upward VARCHAR, exactly LEN() business office accepts a text value, which agency it could hold upward CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR or NVARCHAR every bit well.

Further Learning
  • How to supersede NULL amongst empty String inwards SQL Server? (tutorial)
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  • java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver establish for JDBC:jtds: SQL server [solution]
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  • The divergence betwixt char, varchar, nchar too nvarchar inwards SQL Server? (answer)
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  • How to uncovering the minute highest salary of an employee inwards SQL Server? (query)
  • What is the divergence betwixt WHERE too HAVING clause inwards SQL Server? (answer)
  • How to uncovering duplicate records from a table? (solution)
  • 5 Websites to larn SQL online for FREE? (resource)
  • Top v Courses to larn Database too SQL Online (courses)

  • Thanks for reading this SQL Server tutorial so far. If you lot similar this article so delight part amongst your friends too colleagues. If you lot conduct keep whatever questions or feedback so delight drib a note. 


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