Java Eight Certifications - Oracle Coffee Se Eight Programmer One (1Z0-808) - Latest Ocajp Exam

Today ane of my readers asked most what is the latest OCPJP or SCJP exams available as well as is at that spot a Java certification available for Java SE 9 as well as Java SE 10? This prompted me to browse through Oracle's certification website. During my casual browsing, I noticed that fifty-fifty though it's almost a twelvemonth since Java SE nine was released as well as 6 months since Java SE 10 was released the latest Java certification is withal the Java  SE 8 certification. I know, you lot mightiness endure thinking most Java SE 11, which volition come upwards soon, but on the certification level, I don't run into this happening. Anyway, I said great, equally programmers are withal digesting changes from Java 8 instantly take keep a adventure to endure certified the on latest Java 8.

The certification is called, "Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer - 1Z0-808" as well as has written for the Java SE 8 release. The format of the exam is similar to the previous certification e.g. Java SE vii Associate as well as Professional exams (1Z0-803 as well as 1Z0-804).

If you lot compare this amongst Java SE vii exam, a lay out of interrogation is higher as well as hard comparison to as well as you lot volition acquire 2.5-3.5 hours to respond all questions. Given this exam is available, I am sure programmers volition start getting confused that whether should they drib dead for Java SE 8 or hold back for the to a greater extent than latest Java SE 9, 10, or eleven exams.

My proposition to all of them is that it depends on, if you lot are a fresh graduate from college as well as looking for a job, produce Java SE 8 certification equally presently equally possible, it volition assist you lot to acquire a Job faster.

On the other hand, If you lot already take keep a labor as well as settling there, you lot tin hold back for some fourth dimension until to a greater extent than updated Java SE certification exam is released. But, If you lot are non sure most the importance of Java certification itself I propose you lot read my article most why you lot should produce Java certification.

What is at that spot from Java 8

Well, Oracle's Java certification exams don't vary a lot from ane version to another, but given path-breaking changes inwards Java 8 e.g. lambda expressions, method references, novel Date as well as Time API, Stream API for volume information operations, I was hoping for some changes.

The ane I works life nether "Working amongst Selected classes from the Java API".
  1.     Creating as well as manipulating Strings (May utilisation Java 8 String joining functionality)
  2.     Create as well as manipulate calendar information using classes from
        java.time.LocalDateTime,  java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime,
        java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.Period 
  3.     Write a uncomplicated Lambda aspect that consumes a Lambda Predicate expression

So you lot tin run into that they take keep included some theme from novel Date as well as Time API as well as Lambda expressions as well as functional interface. I am likewise expecting a lot of questions due to default methods, which has completely evolved some interfaces similar java.util.Map.

In the get-go betoken most creating as well as manipulating Strings, you lot tin likewise appear novel String joining functionality from Java 8 release.

There volition endure no content from Java SE nine as well as Java SE 10 volition endure tested fifty-fifty though they are out inwards the middle. It agency no questions from Java Module organisation or novel features of Java 10, though if you lot desire to know most it, you lot tin bring together The Complete Java Masterclass, which is late updated for Java 10.

 Today ane of my readers asked most what is the latest  Java 8 Certifications - Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer 1 (1Z0-808) - Latest OCAJP Exam

How to fix for Java SE 8 Certification

Oracle recommends Java SE 8 Fundamentals grooming which is quite costly some 3750 USD for v days onsite grooming or virtual Live classes. Until you lot are completely novel to Java, you lot tin larn this materials yesteryear yourself, but if you lot are inwards urgency as well as take keep money, you lot tin think of joining those grooming classes.

Instead of opting for that training, my proposition is to bring together for online courses which are much cheaper as well as allow you lot to larn at your ain footstep as well as time. And, when it comes to Oracle's Java certification similar OCAJP as well as OCPJP, Whizlab's OCAJP grooming course is my favorite. 

It provides most comprehensive coverage as well as given their sense inwards the area, you lot tin rest assured of quality.  There is likewise to a greater extent than than 50% discount available on this course of instruction for you.

 Today ane of my readers asked most what is the latest  Java 8 Certifications - Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer 1 (1Z0-808) - Latest OCAJP Exam

If you lot are looking for ane to a greater extent than selection then Oracle Java Certification - Pass the Associate 1Z0-808 Exam! from Udemy is likewise a goodness selection as well as you lot tin acquire it inside $10 on flash sale which happens every month.

And, if you lot are a volume lover similar me as well as thinking most whatsoever books to fix Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer 1 (1Z1-808)? I think ane volume which I recommend you lot is  "OCA/OCP: Oracle Certified Java SE 8 Programmer I as well as II Study Guide" yesteryear Jeanne Boyarsky as well as Scott Selikoff (Mar 30, 2015)", equally shown below:

 Today ane of my readers asked most what is the latest  Java 8 Certifications - Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer 1 (1Z0-808) - Latest OCAJP Exam

This is an awesome volume as well as has been updated a brace of times to take away whatsoever fault as well as from the feedback of candidates. If you lot demand to a greater extent than books thence I propose only read a brace of goodness Java 8 books, as well as you lot volition endure create for examination.

What is to a greater extent than of import is exercise some mock questions.

Fortunately, at that spot are a brace of goodness Java SE 8 certification exercise simulators available from Whizlabs as well as others.

Since I had used Whizlabs inwards past, I know their character as well as you lot tin utilisation these show to fix 75 to 80% of your exam topics. The questions mimic what you lot drib dead far the existent exam as well as difficulty marker is fifty-fifty harder than actual exams. This agency if you lot score over 80% on Whizlabs exercise test, you lot volition sure enough produce actually good on actual Java 8 exams.

Another goodness thing is that Whizlabs's is offering a 25% discount to readers if you lot purchase both OCAJP as well as OCPJP simulator together. Which brand sense because you lot take keep to transcend both of these exams to drib dead a certified Java developer. All you lot demand to produce is only utilisation the coupon "JAVACOMBO2" spell purchasing Java 8 simulator on Whizlabs.

 Today ane of my readers asked most what is the latest  Java 8 Certifications - Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer 1 (1Z0-808) - Latest OCAJP Exam

If you lot similar to fix amongst costless resources thence I take keep likewise collected a lot of free Java SE 8 questions from leading show providers similar Entuware, Whizlabs, Certification-questions, as well as others. You tin drib dead through them to acquire an thought of the format as well as difficulty marker of the actual exam.

A Brief Overview of Java Certification from Oracle

If you lot are novel Java developer as well as non real familiar amongst diverse Java certification offered yesteryear Oracle, hither is a handy certification path. Basically, you lot start amongst Oracle Certified associate programmer, thence you lot drib dead for Oracle Certified Professional (OCP), hollo upwards you demand to transcend an associate exam earlier you lot drib dead for OCP.

Both of these exams are based on meat Java as well as recommended for every Java developer. In the same space, you lot take keep Mobile application developer as well as Business Component Developer for Java guys who piece of work on Java ME as well as Java EE.

Once you lot are a certified professional, you lot tin see preparing for Oracle Certified Expert exams. There are iv of those, Enterprise JavaBeans developer, Java Persistence Developer, Web Service Developer as well as Web Component developer, amongst the respective surface area of expertise. For example, a Java Web Service Developer should endure goodness inwards both SOAP as well as REST spider web services inwards Java application.

The Last laid is for Oracle Certified Master, you lot tin take either to drib dead Enterprise Architect or Java Developer focused on meat Java, which you lot tin direct give later becoming Oracle Certified Java professional.

For Java EE programmers, you lot tin take whatsoever order, but next is the recommended from beau developers:
  •     Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8
  •     Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8
  •     Web Components Developer
  •     Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) Developer
  •     Java Persistence(JPA) Developer (or EJB Developer)
  •     Web Services Developer
 Today ane of my readers asked most what is the latest  Java 8 Certifications - Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer 1 (1Z0-808) - Latest OCAJP Exam

If you lot are interested, you lot tin register for the exam at as well as locate a show centre close to you.

You tin likewise think of joining  The Complete Java Masterclass, which covers the meat linguistic communication features as well as Application Programming Interfaces (API) as well as you lot volition larn utilisation to blueprint object-oriented applications amongst Java Standard Edition 10 (Java SE10) Platform.

You tin utilisation this course of instruction to farther develop your skills amongst the Java as well as to a greater extent than importantly to fix for the Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer Exam.

I volition drib dead along posted most Java SE 8 as well as whatsoever updated Core Java certification here. If whatsoever of you lot take keep this exam, delight part your experience, that would endure immensely helpful for the beau developer who is thinking to take keep this exam.

If you lot are confused betwixt Java SE vii as well as Java SE 8 certification,  think of your need, version does non affair equally much you lot are certified or not. As I said, if you lot are looking for Job thence amend acquire certified amongst OCA or OCP for Java SE 8, rather than waiting for to a greater extent than up-to-date Java certification similar Java nine or Java 10 certification.

If you lot are non inwards a hurry thence hold back until to a greater extent than updated Java certifications come upwards to similar something which is based upon Java 10, but at that spot is no guarantee when they volition endure released, equally I take keep heard no word most them yet.

If you lot determine to acquire Java 8 certification hither are a brace of to a greater extent than useful links which volition assist you lot inwards your preparation

1. Syllabus as well as Complete especial of Java SE 8 Certification
2. Link to Register for Java 8 Exam
3. Recommended Instructor-led Java SE 8 grooming from Oracle
4. Top v Java Certification Courses
5. 1Z0-808 books as well as Practice test
6. OCAJP8 as well as OCPJP8 Practice Questions - 1Z0-808 dumps PDF download

Though grooming is non mandatory for appearing inwards Java SE 8 Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) certification, it volition give you lot a caput start inwards how to utilisation Java SE 8 features inwards your day-to-day programming. If you lot are non a regular programmer as well as haven't touched Java for to a greater extent than than vi months, you lot tin actually produce goodness from this training.

All the best Guys


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